So, I decided to take another leisurely train trip, this time to the lines in the northeast of Melbourne; the Epping and Hurstbridge lines.
Throughout my trip (except up and down my own line) I went on the kind of electric train that doesn't run on my line.
I went to Epping first and had a look around, but was quickly met by a begger, so I gave up some of my money, which proved to be a problem later. He said he'd repay me, but I'm positive I'll never see him again. I then tried to follow the line beyond Epping, but the roads didn't do me any favours. There WAS a footpath running parallel to the line, but it was still under construction, and I felt I'd be trespassing if I tried to use it. As I returned to the station, I passed a bus that had the route number and destination of my home town in the south! I was VERY surprised to see a southeast-bound bus in the north!
Next I went back down the line, and stopped off at Bell for lunch. While I was at the fast food restaurant where I had it, a group of four people about my age entered, and to my shock, I RECOGNISED one of them! He was a fellow member of Pokemon Melbourne, the friendliest Pokemon group on the Internet!
After my meeting with him, I went back down to Clifton Hill, and took a train up the Hurstbridge line. It turns out not all trains go that far: some of them terminate at Eltham and come back. As I went past there, I almost figured out why: it seemed very much to be an old diesel line of old! The stations were far apart, there was only one track because of how few trains went up there, and Hurstbridge itself was very much a country town!
When I arrived there I decided to buy some water and an ice cream because the next train wasn't gonna come for ages. Because of the begger I encountered in Epping, I was forced to withdraw money at an ATM and get charged for it because it wasn't of my bank. I then bought the money and awaited the next train.
When it arrived, a group of students, also my age, got off and took some photos. They then returned to the same train and started playing Monopoly. On a train!
Then I made my way back home. I got on the train JUST before it left. Then, while we were waiting at a station, an express train passed us! I ended up getting home later by taking an earlier train!
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