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I Have Fallen Off The Face Of This Site



ME2 is clearly to me what Skyrim is to others... I have no time for anything else.

  • I hate how I'm trying to go as Paragon as possible but I instinctively pull RT whenever the Renegade thingy pops up. <_<
  • Trying to get Kelly to feed my fish because last time they died :/ Don't think I'm really getting anywhere.
  • This game is a lot darker than ME1... or maybe I just need to up my brightness. (But seriously what the heck happened to Liara I mean she quoted Benezia and her voice is all different and agh)
  • Kinda don't like Jacob anymore because of the way he talked to Thane...
  • Still need to recruit Samara and Legion and do Garrus, Jack, Jacob, and Mordin's loyalty missions but I don't want to do Jack's because I already did Miranda's and I don't think my Paragon is high enough to keep both of them loyal and then I still need more upgrades and stuff aaaaaah


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(But seriously what the heck happened to Liara I mean she quoted Benezia and her voice is all different and agh)

Mass Effect: Redemption happened.

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> About half of those Renegade interrupts are free points that have no Paragon alternative, so it's not all bad. But still. =/


> It's funny, Kelly's romance is supposed to be lesser than the others, but seriously hers is the hardest.


> That made me laugh. Liara is all growned up.


> I like using the Arc Projector or Collector Beam. Just personal preference, though.


> Also he's boring?


> I'm guessing since you know to hold off on Jack's loyalty you should also hold off on the Reaper IFF level until you have done absolutely everything?

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j/k also never played Mass Effect but heard good things. One of the guys who does the music to Ninjago also worked on the music to Mass Effect 3.

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ME2's Charm/Intimidate system is sort of dumb. It doesn't actually matter how many points you have, it matters what proportion of the total points you have out of how many you could have had up to that point. So it's not like the game checks "does Shepard have 200 Renegade", it checks "has Shepard gotten at least 80% of the Renegade points available by now." It's fine if you're going hard one morality, but if you have a Shepard that uses both kinds of responses, you're absolutely screwed when it comes to the high-level checks.

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Maybe i should go complain to Bioware...


And get a free game in the process :P


I swear their headquarters is right where i live and to this day i havn't even gone near it.



Regardless though, Mass Effect three is going to be awesome and playing through ME2 will be totally worth it for you. It's worth falling of the face of the interwebs for.

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> It's funny, Kelly's romance is supposed to be lesser than the others, but seriously hers is the hardest.


Really? All I had to do was talk to her enough and I eventually got to the dinner. Tali's feels a bit harder but the romance with her doesn't really start until after her loyalty mission apparently so I guess I'll be doing that soon enough.


I tend to save the nuke and the heavy ammo for the last part of the last level.Dunno why.


Used it against the thresher maw yesterday, along with my Widow. Killed it pretty easily, lol.


Also completely atomized a merc in Nassana's tower when I used it against her. Took out my shields, but it was worth it. :P

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