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Guests! Y U No Join?





To the 60+ guests reading the blogs. Just join.

It takes like, 2 minutes.


It's nice here.


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Those are all spammers controlled by me.

I open 64 tabs in internet explorer, one for me, and one for the rest. I only ever close the one for me. XP

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And, Pirok, how could they be spammers if they aren't even members? They can't post, and thus not spam.


And, to further weaken your claim, if you had 63 different tabs open and only logged in on one of those, you would be logged in on all of them, and if you logged out you would be logged out on all of them.


And what Eeko said.

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It would still all show up as one guest.Unless you opened 63 different browsers. :P

Different computers! Your IP address is assigned to your computer and your connection, not your browser.

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it's always been like this though. I remember one of the first days after BZP came back there were nearly 300 guests.


Or Something like that. I honestly thing that part of it is because people get logged out when they go to the archives and don't realize. It shows them as guests.

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It would still all show up as one guest.Unless you opened 63 different browsers. :P

Different computers! Your IP address is assigned to your computer and your connection, not your browser.

Aah, I thought it would work with browsers. Like how you can view the archives in one browser without it logging you out of another browser.


Shows how much I now! :P

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It would still all show up as one guest.Unless you opened 63 different browsers. :P
Different computers! Your IP address is assigned to your computer and your connection, not your browser.
Aah, I thought it would work with browsers. Like how you can view the archives in one browser without it logging you out of another browser.Shows how much I now! :P

That has to do with cookies, which are browser specific. :)

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