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Oof-Dah, What A Day

Takuma Nuva


Oi. Still keep forgetting today be Saint Valentine's. I dunno, just another day to me, more-or-less. I decided to post-pone my rant and, instead, let the whole world hear this boring story of how my day has gone so far.


So, yesterday, when I went in to Target for my shift, it turned out we were doing two trucks and apparantly nobody had been aware of it before hand (How did that slip by? :blink:) Anyways, suffice it to say we didn't get everything done (namely grocery) because were weren't prepared for it; we only got one truck's worth done.


Which meant that we had a massive load of grocery to do today....... I have never seen so much oatmeal and breakfast cereal before in my life. Seriously, I'm pretty sure the work load today was even larger than any day during the holidays was. So that went just swell.


The second job? Well I just got slaughtered s'all.


But now I'm home for the day. Looking forward to dinner, not working tomorrow morning, and a late-night of playing Dungeon Defenders with the gaiz.


Happy Saint Valentine's, BZPers. I'm going back to watching TGS.



Oi. Still keep forgetting today be Saint Valentine's. I dunno, just another day to me, more-or-less. I decided to post-pone my rant and, instead, let the whole world hear this boring story of how my day has gone so far.


So, yesterday, when I went in to Target for my shift, it turned out we were doing two trucks and apparantly nobody had been aware of it before hand (How did that slip by? :blink:) Anyways, suffice it to say we didn't get everything done (namely grocery) because were weren't prepared for it; we only got one truck's worth done.


Which meant that we had a massive load of grocery to do today....... I have never seen so much oatmeal and breakfast cereal before in my life. Seriously, I'm pretty sure the work load today was even larger than any day during the holidays was. So that went just swell.


The second job? Well I just got slaughtered s'all.


But now I'm home for the day. Looking forward to dinner, not working tomorrow morning, and a late-night of playing Dungeon Defenders with the gaiz.


Happy Saint Valentine's, BZPers. I'm going back to watching TGS.





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my day consisted of being disappointed that the ME3 demo didnt release early enough for me to download it before work, working, going out to dinner with my parents, and finaly watching the finale of Chuck


guess I'll just play it tomorrow

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