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Rpg Contest #23



So I just heard from an anonymous source that the theme for the next RPG contest is going to be crime scene investigation. As in, investigating a major murder is going to have to be a central plot point.


If you are in Day Run, then you realize the implications of this.


HINT: I can't enter Day Run, because that's not a central plot point in its story! DX


Now, if you're like me, then you are unhappy about this. Believe me... so am I. I just said that. But never fear! To honor Day Run and its eventual epic, I'm still entering this contest -- with a NEW entry!


Behold; I give you the very first sneak peek of





It was an unusually cold day in the streets of Ta-Koro. At least, that's what it felt like to Detective Tahu as he approached a taped-off section of the road; on days like today, even the Mangai could freeze solid. Still, chilled by the shock of another murder or not, the Toa had a job to do. The presence of a dozen other beings, all of them probing the area or deceased for evidence, was a testament to that.


As he stepped over the tape, he scanned the area for the victim. Spotting him, Detective Gali gave a slight nod, which Tahu returned. Finding the body, he quickly approached it, noting the presence of Pohatu. The Toa of Stone held a camera in his hands, and was busy taking pictures for later reference.


"Pohatu," Tahu said shortly, nodding at his comrade. Pohatu looked at the new arrival, returning the nod. "What've we got here?"


"Name's Kapura," Pohatu said quietly, taking another photograph. "Vakama's right-hand. Witnesses say he was delivering a message when he got attacked, but he didn't seem to try to fight back. The message is nowhere to be found."


"So it's aggravated assault." Pohatu nodded. Tahu stooped down, carefully examining the Matoran through the lenses of his sunglasses. He noted a couple of wounds in Kapura's stomach, bloodied and bruised. "I don't suppose they saw the killing blow?"


"The general verdict seems to be that the victim was impaled with a trident-like tool," Pohatu replied. Tahu was silent. "Judging from what we've uncovered, it seems the killer had some sort of interest in the letter."


"Which explains why it's gone. Though why the victim didn't try to fight him off or run away..." Tahu trailed off, standing up again. "Either our guy took the letter..." The Toa of Fire pulled off his sunglasses. "Or Kapura forked it over."







So, there you go! Expect to see the first full draft of this baby up in a week or so. =)


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We're certain this is the theme, right? The date that the contest would end falls on a very suspicious day... =P

If my anonymous source that may or may not actually exist is correct, then yes, it is. :P


Hmm. If the CSI theme is truly coming, I guess entering Techna's sequel will also be out of the question.

Techna's sequel as well as Epoch's and Dreamland's continuations. 'tis a cruel world. X3




Tahu is Horatio? Well played, sir. :P



But of course! :D


I'm voting for this no questions asked.

Hooray for brand loyalty! :P

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^ And Island of Pain's revival, if that happens. =P


... Oh geez, I just realized how much competition everything will have next contest, if everyone re-enters everything. ._.;

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I was thinking about creating an rpg but now I'm much too frightened. :fear:


Why would your potentially real source decide on this theme. I'm not too sure of its playability. Although crime shows are entertaining.

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