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A Legacy Begins



“They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Gentlemen, we enter this war as friends and grow closer as the battle rages on, our throats being focused on day by day. Keep your petty trifles coming as you will, but they encounter a deaf ear by Deus Pangaea. The globe shall be one, the people unified, and all will a part of The Pangaea Unifecto!” —Deus Pangaea* before entering into the battle of a lifetime.




My friends and I enjoy an epic game of Risk every now and then (not often enough). This has been going on since freshmen year (we are seniors now. Other friends have played with us as well, but it is usually us four), and is a great way to pass a weekend evening. (For the record, we have had much enjoyment with Risk: Onyx Edition, aka Risk: Reinvention, Risk Factor or Risk Revised Edition, and find it highly superior to standard Risk.)


But now, for our epic conclusion to our college career, a roommate was referred to Risk Legacy, a new take on the ongoing battle amongst friends. Here, past victories, defeats, and tactics stay on the board. Through a series of 15 games, events take place that will have effects the following week, or maybe not until 10 games later next month. Rules change as things happen. Cards are to be ripped up and discarded, players make choices on advantages or disadvantages as the campaign continues. There are envelopes that have conditions on when to open them with unknown rules and game changes, and needless to say we can’t wait to open the envelope titled “Don’t open this, ever.”


We got through the first two short games tonight—about 3 hours total. Throughout we were all quipping back and forth with our own faction’s names (between the Tribunals, Sovereignty, Legion and Unifecto, we have quite a reputation to uphold), and the following 13 games are going to be nothing to laugh at.


What’s especially cool is being able to name continents and cities. I’ve got a mental list started, and I’m totally naming a continent after me.


-CF :kakama:



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I would recommend calling yourself the Deus Pangaeae, "God of the whole world", or, if you're feeling arrogant, Deus Pangalaxae.

If you really want to be properly gramattical it would be Theos Pangaeae, but you've already gone with Unifecto, so a little mixing of Greek and Latin wouldn't hurt. You could even turn it into a cultural aspect.

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I would recommend calling yourself the Deus Pangaeae, "God of the whole world", or, if you're feeling arrogant, Deus Pangalaxae.If you really want to be properly gramattical it would be Theos Pangaeae, but you've already gone with Unifecto, so a little mixing of Greek and Latin wouldn't hurt. You could even turn it into a cultural aspect.

Eh, thanks. Too late though.


Wow. This looks like serious fun.Any idea where I could find a copy?

We got ours from Amazon for under $60 after shipping (normal game is $60+tax). Search around.


I heard about this game but man they sure do want a pretty penny for a board game you can only play fifteen times.

Well, $60 between 4 or 5 people (we have 4) is $12-$15 each (plus tax). That's ~$1 a game. If you don't mind being a geek and staying in at night, hanging out, eating food and drinking...whatever... for a few hours for 15 hangout sessions, that's much cheaper than $10 for a movie (and dinner somewhere?), $15 for bowling, price for sports game tickets, etc etc whatever normal people do for fun on a weekend.

(And maybe you can use the board for "normal" Risk games once all is said and done?)



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@use limit: Maybe laminate the needed items, if possible, and use dry/wet-erase markers? Could that work?

That would kind of defeat the purpose. Half of the point is to permanently alter the board. The rules encourage you to tear up cards (we are just putting them in a box never to be seen again until after the final game). "What has been done can not be undone," says the box.

It's totally worth it. It makes the game dynamic completely different than regular Risk.



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I'm pretty sure you could casually slip a different vowel at the end there. :P

So if slipping the extra e at the end makes it mean "God of the whole world," what am I currently calling myself?



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