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My Thoughts On Derpy



So, I figured I'd share my opinion on the Derpy phenomenon.

It's perfectly understandable to be upset over the decanonization of a fan-favorite character. It's perfectly understandable to send e-mails to Hasbro stating your dislike in their decision.

It is not okay to rage about how Hasbro is ruining MLP for us. This is perfectly within their rights as a company, and is completely understandable. When a company recieves complaints about something, especially something someone has found offensive, it is their responsibility to remedy the issue.


This means that as much as we love Derpy, whether or not you find the character offensive, if someone finds the portrayal to be offensive, then steps should be taken to remove the offense. That's how companys work.


That is all.


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On a more serious note, those guys who complained are a bit oversensitive or just want attention. And I haven't seen anyone, at least on BZP, rage about Hasbro "ruining MLP."


- :burnmad:

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On a more serious note, those guys who complained are a bit oversensitive or just want attention. And I haven't seen anyone, at least on BZP, rage about Hasbro "ruining MLP."- :burnmad:


Yeah, this was more general, and not BZP-specific.

Although a lot of people seem to forget that we're not the target audience. It's entirely possible that the complainers were parents of the children watching the show.

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Part of the reason why a lot of the anti-Hasbro rage is overreacting is that the worst that's happening is that Derpy's going back to solely being a background character. Yes, I understand that people are upset that the FiM crew threw the fandom a bone and Hasbro yanked it back. But in the end I don't watch MLP:FiM for Derpy alone, and if there were really enough complaints for Hasbro to step in and rescind her latest speaking role then so be it.

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