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Question For The Community About Bionicle At Conventions



So I had a brief discussion with my boss and others in the studio, and we discussed in detail the Bionicle MOCs area in conventions such as BrickCon. So a good question came up, is the theme of Bionicle at a convention supposed to be about the theme of Bionicle, or the parts that come with it?


So I ask the community, do you consider Bionicle theme at conventions (BrickCon, BrickFair, etc.) to be about the theme of Bionicle, or the parts used? Would using Hero Factory parts be considered taboo against the Bionicle theme? And what about building Bionicle themed items in other themes such as system brick?


Me personally, I'm all about the theme, given you can still use Technic in Space (a traditional System theme) and you can use Mindstorms in Technic (a traditional... yeah, you get the idea).


What do you guys think?


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1. This is a difficult question. Usually if there's a lot of recognizable pieces from BIONICLE sets used on a MOC, I'd say it is BIONICLE-themed. However, there's still BIONICLE minifigs back in 2006 and 2007, so that isn't really associated with TECHNIC pieces much, which would screw the classification stuff.

2. If it makes a great MOC, I don't really care what parts are used together.

3. Ditto as above

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In this case, I consider "Bionicle" to be synonymous with "Constraction", and thus should include anything which primarily uses the parts from any constraction line.


Nobody ever had a problem with Slizers pieces being used in Bionicle MOCs, not sure why people are suddenly concerned over Hero Factory.

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Nobody ever had a problem with Slizers pieces being used in Bionicle MOCs, not sure why people are suddenly concerned over Hero Factory.

Of course, back then with Throwbots/Slizers and Robo Riders, they weren't as popular, and as long lived, as BIONICLE was. Course, back then I was too young to remember what the fanbase was for both series.

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It's pretty much about the construction style, if it was just about Bionicle characters half the displays we have wouldn't count since it's stuff like shoes and horses and things not from Bionicle land.

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It's pretty much about the construction style, if it was just about Bionicle characters half the displays we have wouldn't count since it's stuff like shoes and horses and things not from Bionicle land.

This is pretty much the official answer. We keep the mosaic over at the Bionicle table at Brickfair because it's a symbol of the BZPower community, but that's because Todd is more flexible than other convention runners. The Bionicle theme is about a building style, a certain "look and feel".

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You say it's the official answer, yet there's some debate about it. Sorry if I don't take the "official answer" at face value just yet then.

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You say it's the official answer, yet there's some debate about it. Sorry if I don't take the "official answer" at face value just yet then.

I'm the coordinator at two different conventions, one of which is the largest in the country, with the largest Bionicle display in the country. (And it's not the first time I have held that position). I'm privy to the behind the scenes stuff. That is how it's defined by those in power at those conventions.


So you can keep your debate, because for Brickfair and BricksCascade that is the official answer.


(Also, people debate about lots of things that have official answers. Doesn't make those answers less official.)

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Personally, the Bionicle world is so important to what Bionicle is, that you can't have a Bionicle display that includes (for example) the Statue of Liberty made out of Bionicle parts.


So I'd divide the display thing up into Bionicle and Constraction. The Bionicle part can then include anything from the world of Bionicle, and can use pieces from whatever (including HF, and also system, for stuff like that system-built Tahu statue Lego made way back in the day). Then the constraction section can include non-Bionicle stuff like the example of the Statue of Liberty made from Bionicle parts.


Not that I have any idea how conventions work, but surely if you're given a Bionicle/constraction area then it's down to you to decide how to divide it up, so cutting it in half like that keeps everyone happy.


- Tilius

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At conventions, I tend to prefer the BIONICLE table to be filled with MOCs based in the building style rather than the story. For one, story-based MOCs don't appeal to a wider audience. And in terms of PR for our fandom, impressing other AFOLs is critical.


Additionally, focusing on the story of BIONICLE is extremely limiting. Even if you expand that to include similar themes like Hero Factory, there's only a certain percentage of fans that prefers to MOC strictly from story. And since the BIONICLE table is typically one of the ones with the smallest showing anyway, limiting that would be a hazard.


Another point in favor of the build defining BIONICLE MOCs rather than the story is the factor that in general, a convention will have only one or two BIONICLE-story-based MOCs that do NOT use the BIONICLE building style. So again, reducing the table to story based MOCs would only serve to shrink what is still usually the table with the smallest showing at any convention.


Ideally, a "Constraction" table would have less of a misnomer when the build style is the determining factor, but many AFOLs still see any Bionicle-based creation (using a BZP term) as BIONICLE. Not to mention that "Constraction", despite being an official LEGO term, is not well-recognized in the AFOL community.

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From my experience at conventions and online, the way a MOC is categorized depends not strictly on what its physical characteristics are but rather on where it will get the attention it deserves. If a BIONICLE fan is more likely to appreciate a model than a fan of other LEGO themes, then the BIONICLE table is often a good place for it.


While the BIONICLE table at conventions is traditionally reserved for action figure models without a heavy reliance on system (including fusion MOCs but not the impressive system mecha that fit better on a sci-fi table), models based on the BIONICLE playsets could also arguably have a place there. But something to keep in mind is that often prizes are distributed based on how a MOC is categorized. If, for instance, you put your Project Mata Nui thing in the BIONICLE category, it might either be overlooked when distributing a Microscale-based or landscape-based prize, or it might take the BIONICLE prize and keep many of the most impressive BIONICLE-based models in the convention from receiving due attention in the larger AFOL community.


This latter effect is something I think would be bad for the BIONICLE community, seeing as BIONICLE parts and building styles are often looked down upon by the larger AFOL community.

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Personally, the Bionicle world is so important to what Bionicle is, that you can't have a Bionicle display that includes (for example) the Statue of Liberty made out of Bionicle parts.So I'd divide the display thing up into Bionicle and Constraction. The Bionicle part can then include anything from the world of Bionicle, and can use pieces from whatever (including HF, and also system, for stuff like that system-built Tahu statue Lego made way back in the day). Then the constraction section can include non-Bionicle stuff like the example of the Statue of Liberty made from Bionicle parts.Not that I have any idea how conventions work, but surely if you're given a Bionicle/constraction area then it's down to you to decide how to divide it up, so cutting it in half like that keeps everyone happy.- Tilius


Sorry man, but a Bionicle-style Statue of Liberty would go smack dab in the middle of the Bionicle section. There's never been a split like that that I'm aware of.

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And since the BIONICLE table is typically one of the ones with the smallest showing anyway

We actually have the second or third largest showing at Brickfair. That's one of the reasons it's our preferred convention for the BZP staff and populace, as that's the one we've gotten to recognize our importance. We are vital to a good showing at Brickfair.

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Don't count BrickCon out of that equasion just yet, DV; We had a great showing of models at BrickCon 2011, and one of the smaller pool of contributors because of it.


I'm proud to say I submitted my 6" System Nuva Cube to Bionicle, and I would do it again this year if I improve it. Either that or make it light up and go with The Dark Side section.


Also, Brickfair and Bricks Cascade are not the only conventions out there, there's still plenty more where coordinators are concerned. I could probably ask the same question to half a dozen coordinators for other conventions, and get a different answer from each. Would some of them mirror yours? Possibly. But if every single one of them agree it's the building style over the storyline, then I will accept the answer. Until then, I'm willing to poison the Bionicle tables with more of my system-built stuff.


Did I forget to mention I also had plans for a Mata Nui totem stone in System in the works? :3

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Also, Brickfair and Bricks Cascade are not the only conventions out there, there's still plenty more where coordinators are concerned. I could probably ask the same question to half a dozen coordinators for other conventions, and get a different answer from each. Would some of them mirror yours? Possibly. But if every single one of them agree it's the building style over the storyline, then I will accept the answer. Until then, I'm willing to poison the Bionicle tables with more of my system-built stuff.

Except that you wouldn't get a big difference in opinion on that. As shown pretty obviously by those who have commented here. The Bionicle theme is for the building style, not the story, as that doesn't even make sense, because then you're out a place for all the MOCs that don't have anything to do with the story. It's the same argument we had when this site first started with the BBC and where do system-build, Bionicle-based MOCs go? They go to LGD because the BBC moniker applies to the style, not the content.


I am aware that Cascade and Fair are not the only conventions. BrickMagic is almost as large as Brickfair, and Brickworld is getting close too. But none have the same showing as Brickfair's Bionicle section, and as it was the first convention to simply embrace Bionicle as it did, and as it is still the largest event, with the largest showing of just MOCs, not to mention Bionicle MOCs, the standard it has set has been pretty consistently followed.


System-built Bionicle MOCs can be placed in the Bionicle section if that's really what the builder wants, but I can say that at both Cascade and Fair the trophies are only going to be given to MOCs built within the Bionicle building system, say, within the same system/Bionicle ration as is acceptable for a MOC to be posted in the BBC here on BZPower.

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