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Assassimerican Decreedlation of Independence.


Creedstitiution of the United Stabs of Assassimerica.


Assassbriham Lincoln.


I can go on.

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Saw that. It's some good stuff. I'd like to see how they have you use a full on gun, rifle even, without it becoming an FPS.


Although I think Egypt could have been a cooler setting, this is definitely more interesting plotwise.

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Egypt would've been going back in time... They had to keep moving forwad.


And it looks kind of liking a flintlock... So we're still going to have slow reloading and whatnot. It's the American Revolution, guys, not modern times. There's no chance of it just becoming a bulletstorm, and without that the FPS model wouldn't work.


What I AM now a little disappointed about is I don't see a hidden blade...

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I'd like to see how they have you use a full on gun, rifle even, without it becoming an FPS.

well being in third-person would certainly help :P

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Egypt would've been going back in time... They had to keep moving forwad.And it looks kind of liking a flintlock... So we're still going to have slow reloading and whatnot. It's the American Revolution, guys, not modern times. There's no chance of it just becoming a bulletstorm, and without that the FPS model wouldn't work.What I AM now a little disappointed about is I don't see a hidden blade...

Hidden blade is on his gun hand =P. Took me a minute to see it, too.


And I guess going forward in time is a good point, but you could still have told the story as relevant to something happening in the past. Regardless, I also wanted steampunk England, but this is darn fine too.


And if the riflemen in ACR can get super quick reloading, darn if I don't want it too.


Are they eventually going to make an Assassin's Creed where they use the Animus... to see into the FUTURE?

Shhhhh you've stumbled upon the secret.


I'd like to see how they have you use a full on gun, rifle even, without it becoming an FPS.

well being in third-person would certainly help :P

I meant besides that XD. I just mean that I'm hoping they don't give all your enemies guns so that you don't have to rely on your own gun all the time (granted I was a total gun-monkey in ACR, BUT STILL).

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Super glad they went with the American Revolution era as had been rumored. It just seems like such a fun setting.

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