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A Question For The Rp-Ers



So, I was in the BZPRPG long ago, and uh, needless to say, it didn't go well.

I'm not a very good writer, or storyteller, two very vital aspects to TBRPGs. :P


So my question is:

How much bearing does a members writing skill/ability have on your interaction with that player?


One of the main reasons I never re-joined, other than time, is that I felt embarrassed by my posts.

When you put my awkwardly worded rambles next to some of the works of art of other RPers, the difference is obvious. :lol:


So yeah, is it a huge deal to you when someone who isn't so great at RPing joins the game?


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Not really we all improve over time, my first posts I couldn't even spell my character's name right. :P


Just join, leech ontointeract with a vet. You'll learn a lot from them.


The biggest thing is to just keep going, no matter how horrendous your start me, trust me we've all been there.


Also, there is currently an academy in the BZPRPG, an ideal place for new members to start as there are a few vets there, and the purpose is to teach players how to play better. Both in game and out of game.

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Oh oh, well um... I don't really play the BZPRPG anymore, but I wanna answer your question anyway~


Writing skill/ability doesn't have a huge impact on my fun in these games. Like, roleplaying in a lot of cases is a lot of fluff with not a lot of action in individual posts (due to not having control of all characters/situations)... kinda purple prosey. Anyway, I've played with people who hold Masters in English, or in the English Arts, and while they can write in a more engaging manner and are able to make a post flow a lot nicer, I've also RP'd with people who had a lot of grammatical and spelling errors, but had the same amount of fun.


I like the interaction aspect, I generally don't care who it's with just as long as it's fun. Normally, I like RPing with characters that are stranger -- characters who eat leaves and roll around in the dirt, or who have a thick sense of character-story (if that makes sense?) that could be played with be it to craft a relationship to write out, or to get involved in some crisis or trial. (Or to tick [oopsies, forgot the other form was filtered] off that character so that they take my character's teddy bear away and chuck it into the forest </3). (my own chars vary, I once had a naive, immature butter-knife wielding matoran in the old BZPRPG who was given a lot of weapons and sometimes I like playing the more shy, teddy-bear hugging characters... one on a different site is like that and he's a demon: the most pathetic demon </3)


Attitude is a bigger deal to me. I don't like playing with people who are all "I AM the best. I AM the story" and who suck up all the fun like that. Or people who continue belittling others, or are desperately trying to become super-mega-powerful as to crush any and all who stand in their way. Things like auto-hitting, god-modding, or acting rudely are what I avoid in RP's I join as those things take away all the fun. Now, if it's someone new who just doesn't know better, then I'd be willing to help that person and would probably be a lot cooler about getting him/her comfortable in a setting.


/knows that the writing in this comment probably sucks

/blames it on tiredness and caffeine

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I really just started becoming active in the BZPRPG, but I think I'm might be able to add something here ...


I don't think that anyone sets out in an RPG with great innate RPGing skills. Writing ability and RPing are similar, but different enough so that even the greatest of writers might have trouble adapting. Creativity is used to craft an interesting character, but your posts give your character(s) life. Freedom is somewhat bound within the rules of the game, but it's not overtly restricted.


As long as you don't break the rules, and your writing is legible and not heinous, you should be fine.

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Oh really?


Are people still interacting with her? o_o;;;


I'd go back to playing her, I just have absolutely no clue what happened. xP


/off entry (maybe PM me the details there so I don't accidentally steal Eeko's entry here << >>)

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See, the problem I seem to have, is that I can create a (mildly) original character, with a bit of back story and all that.

But once I try and set that to words, I lose it all. I come out sounding like some newb who doesn't know how stories work. :P


If that makes sense.

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It just takes practice, and in my experience it doesn't matter how well you write the profile the character always deviates and becomes his/her own character.

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See, the problem I seem to have, is that I can create a (mildly) original character, with a bit of back story and all that.But once I try and set that to words, I lose it all. I come out sounding like some newb who doesn't know how stories work. :P If that makes sense.

It makes sense to me. I am the same way, except my character isn't original at all.

I want to be a decent RPer, but I really need to come up with an interesting character.

Maybe'll I'll make a profile with some characteristics of a FIM pony. It might give me some incentive to post.

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