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I don't often post new art anymore. It's because as my patience increases I spend more time on each piece. I used to turn out a piece a day, but it was generally terrible. Now I turn out something if I get inspiration now and then and if I really think it came out well. It takes a lot longer, and often several sketches.


It's odd though. I post something decent hopefully once a month. And now people seem to think I'm someone new to the forum whenever I do. I get posts treating me like I just arrived and will hopefully be posting more later.


I mean, I do that to new artists too, but the thing is I can generally tell that if someone has something less than an Avohkii that I've been on more than them and if they posted anything, I'd have seen it. I can know that they're new.


But guys who have been familiar with the forum for a couple months... I suppose that's enough time to "settle in," but it takes time to get to know everyone, I suppose.


I've seen it happen to other people too, who've been on as long as me. It's kinda awkward to be welcomed by someone who's been on for a fifth of the time you have.


On a completely unrelated note, some Chem class hung a poster over my locker, which they're not supposed to do. There's a bulletin-board row above the lockers for a reason.


Therefore I went about closing my locker as normal. Since no obstruction should be placed in front of my locker, obviously no one would place one there, so none could possibly be there. And if there happens to now be a locker-shaped tear in the nonexistant poster...


It's not like there was any text there anyway. It was just one of those large post-it display board sheets with equations written in marker on it. The blank part was over my locker. Which leads me to wonder why they couldn't just cut that part off...


IPB Image


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*Whew* Man, I thought you were going to post some Einstienien brain-buster.



Anyway, no scence in exerting any unnessicary energy over somthing which dosn't exist...

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I find it very weird that some people don't know who you are... I was a relatively isolated and antisocial member for quite some time, yet I had an idea of who you were... I haven't posted any Bionicle art in months, myself. I've been working on my style and design for a long while... I envy you.
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It's strange, because I once got a PM from a person, and they said "I think you joined this site quite a while before me."


And I said, "No, you've actually been to this site for some several months more than me."


He could have just checked the "Joined" date....


I don't know how this is relevant, I just wanted to say it. :P

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