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Happy Happy Joy Joy



At my friend's partly last night, I really think I may have "hit it off" with this girl with -almost- the same first name as me, just spelled differently.


Or at least, I think it means you've hit it off when there's plenty of room on the couch, but she sits right up next to you, and every now and then leans her head on your shoulder (but never leaves it on long), asks for your contact information, and needs to hold your hand while getting up from a sitting position.




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Guys, stop all the mean jokes. I figured out what really happened. That poor girl lost a bet and so she had to flirt with him for the night. Poor, poor girl :(
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Guys, stop all the mean jokes. I figured out what really happened. That poor girl lost a bet and so she had to flirt with him for the night. Poor, poor girl :(

Yes, let's feel sorry for the girl. XD

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Guys, stop all the mean jokes. I figured out what really happened. That poor girl lost a bet and so she had to flirt with him for the night. Poor, poor girl :(

No, flirting with Dokky WAS the bet.

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... But the real question is, "Was she just trying to tell you in some strange form of pantomime to get out of her personal space?"
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So you think that girl*COUGH*flirted with you?

I don`t believe it.Are you sure you`re not delusional?

Heh.Dokky got himself a girl(or a duck,`cos I`m sure he`s delusional)


OMG.I just found that a friend of mine.A Japanese-Malaysian girl,still is in my school....Just because she likes me the most than the other suckers in my class,people think we`re a couple!THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!(I better stop that before I go delusional like Dokky)

Hey.....You don`t know me!But I know you!This is so abnormal....


Anyway my name`s Anuki!

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So you think that girl*COUGH*flirted with you?

I don`t believe it.Are you sure you`re not delusional?

Heh.Dokky got himself a girl(or a duck,`cos I`m sure he`s delusional)


OMG.I just found that a friend of mine.A Japanese-Malaysian girl,still is in my school....Just because she likes me the most than the other suckers in my class,people think we`re a couple!THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!(I better stop that before I go delusional like Dokky)

Hey.....You don`t know me!But I know you!This is so abnormal....


Anyway my name`s Anuki!

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