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Why You Should Help Support Day Run



Hello again, BZPower! I'm back with another two or so weeks of "Support Day Run!!" messages.


I'm not going to say much--the end result of the RPG Contest will largely fall into the hands of the people who frequent that forum, anyway--but I would like to make a case for why Day Run is a good choice. So please, if you would...


Consider the Following


What is Day Run: The Garden?

Day Run: The Garden is an RPG that was put together by Parugi, moderated by Parugi, and played by Parugi and a boatload of other people -- including familiar faces such as Kal the Guardian, Toa of Dancing, iBrow, and The Dreadful Flying Glove, just to name a few. The sequel to the widely popular Night Ride (2009,) Day Run focused on the continued existence of -- you guessed it -- the Day Run! Caught in the middle of a conflict between a gang called the Ring and the local Kai-Nam Police Department -- obviously on the island of Kai-Nam -- the players in Day Run participated in all sorts of things, ranging from attempts to stop the war, perpetuate it, discover the secrets of the island, and playing in the in-game tournament.


But that's not all! Above all of that, the players in Day Run were key in revealing the truth about what the Ring-KNPD conflict was really about. In their adventures, it was discovered that the Ring was responsible for almost every terrible thing that had come to occur on the island, including the war and the creation of the KNPD itself. They found that not only did Lyxek, the leader of the Ring, have some sort of greater hand in creating the primary conflict, he was also working to resurrect a strange being named Rhashahk, through the use of the war, the KNPD, the Day Run, and a number of extremely versatile, resilient and dangerous mechanical creations that he dubbed "Constructs." In his attempts at power, he had begun to gather a number of ancient artifacts, culminating in his sending a team of Dark Hunters to the island of Gynel -- the center of Night Ride -- to complete his search -- and at the same time, unleashing a massive Construct known as the Searcher upon Kai-Nam.


What happened after that?

The game froze. We ran out of time. Some would argue that this is a reason not to vote for Day Run -- that it had multiple seasons with which to finish up -- but I disagree. For one, a number of things occurred that slowed down Day Run before our final three months ran out -- for example, the massive downtime last year, which caused a number of players to disappear and delayed an equally large number of events because it was assumed that they would return, and they never did.


I digress. What I'm trying to say is that despite its multiple seasons, Day Run was unable to finish what it started, and that's bad. No one likes an unfinished story, especially when it gets canceled right in the middle of being completed.


Specifically, a number of plots were left unfinished. We never found out who Rhashahk was. We don't know who or what the Director truly is, or who built him. We don't know how the Feranaki survived. We don't know how the Dark Hunters' mission ends. Why is the Searcher lying dormant in the Barrens? What will become of those affected by its powers? Who is Lyccir? What is in the Garden? Will the rebellion of the Day Run and the Guild of Tyis actually work against the combined Ring and KNPD influence? What is Dalmia planning? Heck, what is Lyxek really planning, and how did the Director intend to use Illuxio against him?


So why vote for it, exactly?

Multiple reasons. Consider this.

  • It's a popular game. In almost every contest it has been in, it's received one of the top spots -- and, in fact, almost won the last contest before a number of people siphoned their votes off to different entries at the last minute (which, thankfully, is fixed this contest.) Consider the number of people who wanted it to be made, and how many people were saddened by the fact that it couldn't continue.
  • It's a guaranteed solid game-play experience -- it kind of has to be considering the amount of time that it got to stick around for. It has a well-built story, its mechanics are tried and true, it's not that difficult to jump in to, and it's just a fun game in general, full of mystery and action. Ask any of the people who played in it -- they'll say something similar.
  • There is a lot for the players to do, both in and out of the main story -- places to explore, mysteries to unravel, a racing and fighting tournament that they can participate in, for Pete's sake! And starting with its next season? Even more! Random events, more civilian interaction, things to get involved in!
  • There is so much customization that you can do! I'm not picky about weapons, masks, elements, or even vehicles, as long as you don't intentionally try to go overboard!
  • Your actions influence the main story -- just ask Kal the Guardian or iBrow (currently Kermit the Pyro)! I can think of three or four player choices and actions that drastically changed what I had originally planned, in most cases for the betterment of the story. Day Run isn't a GM-Totalitarian game -- there is a very large amount of freedom for the players in terms of term influence.
  • Not to mention, you'd be making a lot of people happy by voting for it, as it would give them the chance to finish what they helped to start -- and then you could get in on the fun, too! It's a win-win situation!

I hope this at least makes you consider voting for Day Run when the time comes -- and believe me, I mean it when I say that I really hope you at least consider it. Getting a chance to finish up Day Run alongside the players who brought it to where it is would be, in my opinion, a fantastic opportunity for me, especially as I don't know if I'm going to have time to run it after this upcoming season.


But anyway, if you want to look at it yourself, see it here. If you want to offer a public opinion, post it here or in this very blog entry! And if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to post them or PM me -- I'm happy to answer anything! ^_^




I'd also like to direct you to Dreamland: Awakening. A currently-running RPG by Kal the Guardian, Dreamland is a great game that I, sadly, have not had much time to play. Regardless, Kal, too, hopes to finish it, and so your support would be greatly appreciated. :)


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Aaaaaaaaand that was waaaay better than my blog post. Oh my goodness I never realized how huge Day Run really is. And yes, my characters sure have had fun changing things even though at the time I didn't know I was changing anything. :P Although Brother not being able to harm Lyxek or the Construct in any way really bugs me. I mean it bugs Brother, not me, that would be silly. Lyxek will DIE!.


Thanks for the support as well! It's weird to hear you say that you probably won't be able to host an RPG after this season. Hopefully that prediction won't turn out to be true. I really want to see what kind of RPGs you could cook up besides Night Ride and Day Run. I know I have something planned that will hopefully be unique for next contest. Can't wait to try it out.


Here's to hoping Day Run comes first this contest! *raises glass of root beer*

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I will admit, I probably should have handled the attack on Lyxek better. Although to be fair, it was late at night, I was caught completely off-guard by what you did, and... yeah. XP I'm going to edit the post if the topic reopens with a better explanation. :P


Although the Constructs, imo, are justified. =P


I'm going to be taking like, several AP and Honors classes next year on top of getting a job/internship over the summer, so I'm not going to have time for the amount of work that I'm going to need to put in to Day Run after this contest. Maybe over the summer, but that would depend on if I could edit it to fit the theme.


Woot woot for root beer!

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Yeah, my affecting the story is pretty clear simply by the fact that Vertak has the eye jewels when he wasn't supposed to and by the fact that he has a mystical sword that he wasn't supposed to. :P

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I was just kidding, dude. The attack on Lyxek, as it stands right now, makes him look so tough and indestructable it isn't funny. Look at my face, I'm not laughing. It also makes him so cool of a bad guy. And now I want even more for Brother to find a way to kill him. As far as I'm concerned, things are fine the way they are.


Dumb Constructs. :(


Wow, good luck with all that stuff.


Yes! *chugs root beer with ToD*

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iBrow: Was he not supposed to get the sword, or did I just make a spur of the moment decision? :P


ToD: Danke! Now help me spread the word. XP


Kal: Either way, I personally dislike the "reality warp rawr" thing. So while I'll probably keep a version of it, I'm still editing that post to make it more clear what happened.


I don't think they're dumb.... :P


Thanks. ^_^

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I don't even think it needs to be said that you have my vote. =P You got me back into Bionicle RPGs again; and further RPGs simply reinforced that. =)

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Honestly, I would have no problem if you won, and might force myself to stop procrastinating and finally join if you did. DR however probably ranks 3-5 on my favorite RPGs.



Good luck anyways.

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Blade: And for that, I thank you. ^_^


Zarayna: Well, that's one less person I have to worry about in regards to anti-Day Run propaganda. Not that that's going to be a problem. :P


Good luck to you, too! ^_^

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