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36: Beards And Video Games

Kal the Guardian


For the past five-ish weeks I have been growing a beard for the first time in my live. Wow. My hair grows fast.


And now I can say from experience, "Beards are ok." So, continuing my exploration of facial hair and my corresponding handsomeness, I just shaved it today into a Goatee. Conclusion to the current investigation: I am still amazingly good looking.


Next mission: Mustache.



So, now on to Video Games. I have so much to do! D=


I have Bioshock 1 and 2 to play, which freak me out and I don't know why I let my friend brainwash me into buying them. Needless to say, I have not done much in either one. I have Deadspace to play. Yeah, and I thought Bioshock was bad. Cheese, that stuff is way too scary. Aforementioned friend bought me it for Christmas. Yes, I hate him sometimes. Also needless to say, I have done even less in that game. First black zombie, boom, I stopped playing. Having Turtle Beaches (a gift from said friend for my B-day, so he's not all bad) doesn't help either, considering I can hear smurfing EVERYTHING. Why do those people speak from the walls, why? *breaks down*


I'm trying to beat MW3 on Veteran, which is really just when I feel like it. Except for buying everything in Survival (and the new add on achievements), I just need to get those Veteran achievements and then I'll have 1000 gamerscore for all MW games. Ghost lives.


I also started to play through Black Ops on Veteran just to mix things up a little. Let me just say that I like MW3 way better than how Black Ops plays and feels. Still, it's weird to be playing it and not fighting zombies. Ugh, I still need the Prevent All Excavators achievement. For some reason, they no longer come anymore! Plus I have other small zombie achievements to nab.


Let's see, I also am finally just past halfway through Prince of Persia. It's a fun game. A little repetative, but I can always do other things to break it up. And I finally got Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, so I have a next game to look forward to.


Then there's Darkvoid. Wow. I've had that for almost over a year now and I still haven't put it in yet. Instead, I tell myself I have too many other games to do and to leave that one for later. So what do I do? Instead of playing said games, I play Banjo-Kazooie, the original one. Let me tell you, old school games are hard. But fun, and the humor is quirky and fun as well.


Plus, I'm considering getting Alan Wake and maybe Just Cause 2 for it's epic open world. I've heard that Alan Wake ends ubruptly, though. Still, it sounds interesting and not exactly scary.


And all this is for the xbox.


I have two Jedi Academy games for the PC to play. I have KOTOR to play too. And then there's Skyrim. Wow I love that game. I also have Halo 2 for the PC, which I never did play through on the PC. And Minecraft just doesn't end. Well, technically it does now.


For the Wii, I really need to play more Twilight Princess, but I never make the time. Actually, that's the only game for the Wii I want to play.


For the DS (well, I bought a 3DS, but I have no 3D games. :P ) I just finished Monster Tale, which was a cute game and I loved Chomp. I have a bunch of unfinished DS games, but right now I'll probably focus on Pokemon Platinum, which I am going through. I'm surfing to the Elite Four. And then there's Heartgold, my first Pokemon game. I restarted that for old times sake. (Old times sake being two Christmases ago) I'm so excited to hear of Black 2 and White 2. Hopefully a continuation of story and not just a seperated Gray to make money, even though the third game's existance is to make money.


What I really can't wait for, though, is Radiant Historia. I ordered it on Amazon, but they have been out of stock for months now. For the longest time it said it wasn't even available, so I jumped at the chance when they said it was just out of stock.


And that's not all! I still manage to spend time playing Reach, writing, and doing BZPower, all while admiring my looks from a conveniently placed nearby mirror. :P


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Whatever, you can forget about it, or you can go ahead and be disappointed by a linear, cliche game. Your choice.


- :burnmad:

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I've watched my brother play a lot of it, and it looks fun. Don't really see how it's a completely cliche game; the storyline (at least with the manuscripts and such) is different.


Anyways, I've played KOTOR, and it's pretty darn fun.


Don't like Bioshock or Deadspace? Aw, where's the adventurous Kal in there?


But yeah, you have a lot of games. O_o

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Yeah, I know that its more like a playable movie or something like that, but I love the story of games first and foremost, so it being "linear and cliche" probably won't bother me if the story is good.


Yeah, I played the second one first, not knowing it was a number two, and that one was fun.


Did I say I didn't like those games? No. Do they freak and creep me out, yes. The more I play Deadspace, the less scary Bioshock gets. Although Bioshock, mostly the characters, remain freaky, not to be confused with scary. I think I'm receiving mental damage from this game. :P


Lol, these are just the games I'm playing right now. I have way more I've already finished. You see, I go crazy finding good deals on games so that I can buy them. Like half of my games I bought for under $15. Halo 3 and Reach are different in that I bought the legendary version. Both times.

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Oh, so you've played it?


Well... No. Not at all. But from what I've seen and heard, you can't even explore off of the set paths without being immediately surrounded and killed, and all the collectables are put in plain sight.


Of course, those could just be blatant lies from biased losers, but whatever. From the gameplay I've seen, it looks boring, and I heard at one point someone walks up to you and calls you "sonny", and he's not even elderly.


One thing to remember with video game reviews, is most people just have really low standards, and don't even bother to mention major flaws, like MW3's being copypasta. Don't get me wrong, I liked MW3, and I love Skyrim, but I appreciate that there are people who speak up about the bad things in them. Except the ignoramuses (Why isn't this word ignorami?) who think Bethesda made some sort of choice to have slow loading.


I guess I exaggerated slightly, but still, probably not worth buying, unless you get it cheap, in which case, go crazy.


So, what character build do you use in Skyrim? Also, what quests have you completed?


Regarding Black Ops, let me just say playing on Veteran the mission where you stop something or other from launching by blowing it up near the end put me in a several month long slump.


As for Banjo-Kazooie, I can say only one thing: <3


Lastly, make sure to get Just Cause 2, and build some giant castles in Minecraft.


That is all.


- :burnmad:

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Yeah, games aren't perfect, some games in particular. Alan Wake is a game I would only get if it were really cheap.


I went with Khajiit. Quests completed? Ugh, so many. Although major quests, only the College of Winterhold. I have chosen to do all I can before I go to Solitude, so most of my major quests "dead end" there.


Yeah I had difficulty with that mission on Normal, I don't know how I'm going to do it on Veteran.


Check, and well, I haven't even made many houses in minecraft yet. I need to get cracking!

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Khajiit is and always will be my favorite race. I finished the main questline, but my favorite is the Thieves Guild, mostly because I'm really good at lockpicking (which is always 10 levels above my other skills) and other aspects of thieving. I've completed all but the last mission of the TG questline, as there are glitches with turning in a certain item to Delvin Mallory and I don't want to screw anything up further. All I've done in the College is take the post-joining tour and casting a ward for the instructor guy. The companions questline doesn't interest me at the moment, so I'm at the point where you're told to go kill some bandit leader. Haven't done much in the Dark Brotherhood either. As for side quests, I've done Blood on the Ice, The Forsworn Conspiracy and the quest following it, and a few others I can't remember. I've also done countless misc. quests but still have about 20 in my log. :P


- :burnmad:

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Do yourself a favour. Get Tales of the Abyss. That is one of the best games on the 3DS right now, and is pure awesomeness. =D And seeing as you enjoy RPGs, and RPGs that aren't quite RPGs from the looks of it, you'll really like that, as it's got an awesome battle system. Highly recommend it, especially if you don't have any games for the 3DS yet. Only problem is that it's supply was self-limited by Namco. =/

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Alright then. Try to avoid spoilers as best as you can, though, I think some of the sequences would be better if you are unaware going into it. =)

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