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The Fellowship Of Reclamation (Bzprpg)

a goose


Right, so we now have the Fellowship of Reclamation. Because I'm a fun guy, I will post the profiles, and all the posts in Onu-Wahi, right here. (Yes, I'm very nice, aren't I?)

I will add a new blog post every time they finish up in a location.




Gastarad stood in the center of Onu-Koro, looking about the city. There were others coming, he could feel it. He sighed, sitting down on a small bench, his staff held beside him. He activated his Iden, watching others coming about the city.




Gandomir walked through the city those born in this realm called Onu-Koro. He found it odd-it was underground. He ate a small pastry he had picked up from a vendor on the street, walking with his hand on his sword.


He had had an odd dream, the night before. There was a riddle to it, something he couldn't quite place.


Go to the underground land, begin thy quest. You shall be held in your forebears hand, following their best.


He barely understood it, but he followed anyways. Little did he know others had had a similar dream.




Athagorn rounded a corner, meeting a friend of his. "Gandomir!" He called happily. "Good to see you again." He walked up to the other Toa, stepping towards the center of the village with him.




"No worries, overseer," Gloen said to the matoran in charge of him, his voice rumbling through the smaller mine. "I just have to go, that's all. I should be with you later." That said, he picked up his axe and went onwards.




"This is folly," Daegolath muttered to himself, as he strode through Onu-Wahi, towards the Koro with a brother of his. "Have patience," the brother advised. "This is your quest, and yours alone. Now I must go." Daegolath continued as his brother faded into the shadows, heading back towards Le-Koro. He shook his head, continuing on.


Gastarad smiled inwardly, coming back to his body. All was going as it should. He sighed, leaning back into the bench. They would come, eventually.

IC: Strave


There are a number of things in this world that guide people. Call it what you will; fate, destiny...

Strave was often guided by foolhardy courage.


And it was like that that he rounded a corner, and happened upon Gastarad and the others, while attempting to escape from a Skakdi who seemed pretty angry with him.

"Uh, hi. Can I hide here for a short while?"

OOC: The others haven't made it to Gastarad yet, actually. They're not gonna get there for a little while.




Gastarad looked up at the younger being near him, and smiled. "Sure thing, young friend, sure," he said, patting a seat next to him. "Sit here with me, you'll be perfectly safe." He then looked up to a small clock, which was nearing 4:00pm. Almost time.

IC: Strave


"So... uh... what's up?" Strave asked, trying to make conversation.



"Hmm?" Gastarad said, looking over to the Matoran, then he smiled. "Oh, nothing much. I'm waiting. Waiting for others. Waiting for you too, in fact," he said, smiling. Ten minutes before everybody would be there.

OOC: Strave is a Matoran, FYI.


IC: Strave


"How could you be waiting for me?" Strave asked.



"That depends, my friend," Gastarad said to the Matoran, still smiling. The others should be arriving right about now. "I've found ways of getting you all here, whether you know it or not. Dreams can be a powerful ally, and yet also a powerful enemy." He stood as Gandomir, Athagorn, Gloen, and Daegolath all came into view.


"Welcome, my friends, welcome," he said, smiling, though there was a sadness in his eyes.


"Greetings, Gastarad," Athatgorn said to the elder Toa, bowing. "It seems that you must have called us here, correct?" He smiled down at the Matoran with them.


"Greetings, Stranger," Gandomir said to Gastarad, eyeing him warily. He was somebody he hadn't met before, and he wasn't going to trust him any time soon. He looked at the two matoran that were there, and then up at the Le-Toa.


"Orondir," Daegolath said to Gastarad, nodding his head. That was the name his family had given to the elder. "Did you call us here?" He looked down to the small Onu-Matoran who was with them, trying to keep his peace.


"Well, I'll be," Gloen said, glaring up at Daegolath, "You've brought one these bloody gnomes over here, have you?" He pointed up at Daegolath, and then walked away from the angered Le-Toa to Gastarad, and bowed deeply.

IC: Strave


Strave didn't have any idea what Gastarad was talking about, but decided to stay anyway, against his better judgement.

IC: Masirov


Masirov strode swiftly through Onu-Koro, keeping his eyes firmly on the cave roof above him. He could feel his breathing intense and he noticed he kept furling and unfurling his fingers. Briefly, he ran forward and kicked a rock. It flew a good distance. It didn't help anything, but it was good to release energy in some way. He couldn't stand being underground. What if he lost control of his powers and the whole roof came crashing down. It wasn't impossible. It had happened before. Probably. Somewhere. Alright, there wasn't news of it. But it could happen, and probably did. Who would know? Those involved would be long buried and nobody would have found out.


Panic was beginning to set in, until Masirov rounded a corner and spotted a large group gathered. People. People can talk. He was here to talk to people, but he didn't know who. He may as well talk to someone, to help him take his mind off of his situation. He strode forward awkwardly and waved. "Hi, name's Masirov."


OOC: Over to you, Kal-Grochi/Paradoxophobia. :P



"Good to know you could make it, Masirov," Gastarad said to the Toa. He spread his arms, the gesture encompassing the others with him. "Please, come, take a seat," he said happily, gesturing over by Strave.


"Soon, the last couple of our little group will show up, and we can begin," Gastarad, said, glancing up at the clock.

IC: Masirov.


Masirov nodded in greeting and sat down quickly, still staring up at the ceiling. He bounced his left leg repeatedly and tented his fingers. "So...You...Invited me?" He asked.

IC: Strave


"Oh great, I'm stuck in a group of nutcases."


OOC: Strave, the official Sane Person of the group! XD



"Yes, though you may not know it," Gastarad said, still looking at the clock. Some people were yet to come, though they would make it eventually. He had only to wait.

IC: Masirov


"Great...Couldn't have picked a better location, could you? Like, Le-Wahi. Le-Wahi's good. Less cave-ins. Probably because of the lack of caves. I think I'm rambling. Sorry for that if I am. I can't really stop myself. You know how it is." Masirov then turned to Strave. "Hey, wait, I'm not crazy. Most of the time. Just here. I hate Onu-Koro. No offence to any earth controllers."

Sorry, can't put any more quotes in, but I'll do the next page as soon as I can. :)


- Paradoxophobia


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