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Soccer Balls Aren't Safe



This morning, I watched the soccer battle between England and Israel. I rarely sit down to watch soccer, but this game amused me.




P. Neville (which P, I can't remember) received a face-straight collision from the soccer ball, and was sent reeling.


Then, later on in the game, two players (can't remember who) chased after the soccer ball, only to find themselves colliding into each other and the ball bounding away, unharmed.


The mischeif (or was it mischief?) caused by the ball did not end there. Thrills of it heading straight for England's goal roused the crowd to cheer, but it kept deflecting in every possible area. To the right, to the left, and even by the top! Israel's poor goalkeeper hared after the ball, time and time again, to meet with dismay as it completely avoided its intended target.


It also caused quite a couple of scuffles.


It's now good to assume that soccer balls are not safe.


And to back up my conclusion, I have my personal experience to share.


I had no idea why we had to play soccer for Physical Education, but we did.


I was watching for the ball on the field, but I had no clue where the ball was.


Something bounced off the top of my head.


I still kept looking around, unaware that the ball had just slammed into my head and rebounded to the players behind me.



On that same game, I was now playing goalkeeper. I looked up to my classmate, as she was with the ball and was looking around hesitantly.


"Hurry up! Kick the ball!"


She looked at me.


"Kick the ball!"


She kicked.


The ball soared straight towards me - and socked me in the gut.





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I loooove soccer. :happy:

I just got back from a Boy's Retreat. My brother was there (yaay! Back from the Academy for a bit) and we were on the same team when we played soccer.

I scored 5 goals.

He scored 7. :D


It was amazingly fun.


One of the goals I scored was hilarious...I took a corner kick, and somehow the ball bent into the net.



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I think knocking the soccer ball around with your head is just fine... actually very fun if you can get it down. Now, I've never done it when the balls being kicked really hard by a professional... but I've done it before and it's been cool. Then again, maybe I'm partly crazy because of that... :wacko:


Here's an idea. If all else fails, duck.



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Motago, you're one lucky dude. :lol:


I was a very brave girl, I was. Charging straight for the ball and getting collisions and the all, but the worst hurt came from the ball. :lol: It isn't fun to be boxed by a ball, but all for the game, eh?



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Hey, if you think getting hit in the gut by a soccer ball is painful, try having a football hit you in the stomach when trying to catch it...With the pointy end of it hitting you in the gut!! It's not an experience you want to go through...especially if it was in elementary school when it happened.


...Don't ask. It's been a long time and that is all I remember that happened. I don't know what grade I was in, but I don't think it was fourth grade.


Strange things seem to happen to people when they're younger, no? And having a basketball hitting your head a couple of times can either knock some sense into you, or make you half crazy. :wacko: *gets hit with a basketball in the head and a football hits stomach* :dazed: Ow. *passes out*

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