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Hipster thread. :P


Kidding. If they're good books, I'm glad they're getting recognized. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first one on audiobook, but I haven't hit the "zomg" moments yet, I guess.

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I don't agree with this kind of mindset. Even if a franchise is merchandised to death, it doesn't change the quality of the original material. Personally, I never got into the series until the hype for the film had started to build. Yes, the movies will dramatically increase the number of crazy shippers and such. But it'll also introduce a small number of rational human beings to a series of generally good books.

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I read them in between when they were popular and when the movie hype started. I think it worked out fairly well.


But nobody I know wants to go see the movie with me D:

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I read the first book after pretty much everybody in my family had done so. As in, yesterday.


It's all right. Kind of reminds me of a William Sleator novel, especially the most recent I've read, Test, which takes place in a similarly decadent society.


Can't say I'm especially excited for the movie. The book seems like the type of source material that could be adapted really well or really poorly. I haven't been following its development so have no idea what to expect. Chances are I'll end up seeing it with the rest of my family, though.

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