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Kid Icarus Is On The Way!

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just popping to tell you all that I can't wait to play Kid Icarus, which should be arriving at my home tomorrow according to Amazon.


Unfortunately this could mean I might have to put my playthrough of Pokemon Black on the backburner of things as I probably end up playing this game at school during my downtimes there. Then again, I think the game might be little too distracting to bring with me to school, so Pokemon Black might still be the carry-on game for those downtimes.


But anyway, I got a question for you all. Who here is also getting Kid Icarus? Just wondering as it would be kind of nice to maybe trade some Friend Codes with people to play online with.


Alright, that's it for this entry. Yeah, I know it is shorter than normal and well, that's just cause I am kind of braindead at moment since it is one in the morning and I needed to go to bed. Okay? Good, so I'll talk to you all later. Night, BZPers.




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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I'm going to stop by Gamestop during lunch break or after work today to pick up my pre-ordered copy. Can't wait!


Some reviewers complain about the odd control scheme, but the controls look kinda similar to Metroid: Prime Hunters on the DS. If that's the case, I'll be totally fine; I used to play M:PH multiplayer every night for nearly a year.

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I'm getting it, apparently it's coming through Lasership from Amazon, but I don't trust those Lasership guys too much. :P


I tried to replicate the control scheme on my 3DS, and it doesn't seem that bad if you can kinda strech your pinkie/ring fingers to support the system. I'm left handed though, and I ordered a Circle Pad Pro that isn't coming until Tuesday, so this may be interesting...

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AT: It pretty much is the MPH control scheme. Maybe missing one button(Only going off the BHDS clone scheme), but still similar in most cases.


Ddude: You might have to get used to how the right handers play for a couple days. You should do a comparison to see how well you do with each control variant. =P

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Awww... I was liking your Black Version coverage. You're already farther than Aanchir is on his White version, and he's had that for almost a year!

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^There's always my Black playthrough, though I don't think I covered the entire game, since I was playing through it a lot the first day or so. =P(I think I started at about the point JMJ left off at, though... =P)

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Wow...I didn't expect to get this many comments for this entry, especially consider how lazily written it was.




AT: Ah, I never played that game, so I am unfamiliar with those controls. Although based on my brief playthrough today, I would say the controls are not as bad as reviewers made them out to be. At least for me, they weren't. Then again, I was playing on standard mode mostly today (2.0).


Ddude: I see. I really do not know that much about Amazon, to be honest, since I rarely order things. I mainly just ordered from them because I did not feel like going to a store and I wanted the preorder bonus.


Ortographobia: Really, you liked reading about me rambling about Pokemon Black in entries here? Seriously?


But anyway, I feel I should noted here that what I was saying above is that I might play Pokemon Black less at school, not that I will stop writing Pokemon Black entries or that I will stop playing the game all together (Which absolutely will not happen because I love Pokemon games too much to stop playing them.).



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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