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This Is Getting On My Last Nerves

Scanty Demon


I usually don't do rants on my blog but something has been bugging me ever since the forums came back and started seeing more Pony avs and sigs. People believing (or fearing) Bionicle Zone Power will become Pony Zone Power. Allow me to explain why this bugs me, this fear or belief has no basis. Yes there are a lot of Pony avatars and sigs but that doesn't mean we'll change BZP to PZP by that logic we should have became Homestruck Zone Power because of all the Homestruck avs and banners. Not to mention Black Six has stated he not a fan of the show and has also stated he has gotten tired of the pony "fad" does that sound like he wants to make BZP PZP. In the very unlikely (as in 100% likely hood it won't happen) chance that this does happen you can either A.) Realize you've gone completely bonkers or B.) Leave BZP and find another non-pony site to go on. I'm sorry if I sound angry but hearing members say BZP is contaminated, tainted by, isn't about Bionicle because of, or just plain been invaded by ponies just gets very annoying and gets on my nerves. It simply has no basis in facts and some members seem to be way too paranoid about this pony stuff. However I would like to see if Greg came out and say he is a Brony (he probably isn't by a longshot) so I could see members reactions. In short I wish some members would stop saying BZP will turn into Pony Zone Power.


Am I letting myself get too easily irritated?


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The thing is, though, I don't remember us Homestucks being as prevalent as the bronies for anywhere near as long. Yeah, we were big for a couple months, but y'all bronies have been in the "public" eye for a year at least, so I think that's where most of the "concern" comes from.


God that was probably a hideous run-on sentence there.

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I will never understand why people keep saying 'Homestruck'. It doesn't even make half as much sense as 'Homestuck' does.


But anyway, I'm inclined to agree with Xaeraz. Not to imply I'm not totally cool with ponies, though - I can't see why people would consider them a problem.

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I don't think people are actually serious when they say they think BZP might become PZP. At least, I hope they're not.

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@Xaeraz I used Homestuck as an example mainly because I remember some members complained about Homestuck avs and banners everywhere. You're also probably right about the concern thing too.


@VampireBohrok I have a bad habit of calling Homestuck Homestruck. Why I do that I don't know. Ponies have kinda been seen as problem on the Internet considering the peripheral demographic.


@GSR Ever heard of Poe's law? I hope their not serious too, but from what I can tell they may be serious. Then it is hard to tell if something is genuine or parody on the Internet.

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I know what you mean. I can't ever tell if the negative reactions to pony avs/sigs is simply because there are so many of them, or specifically because it's ponies. But people who consider them a plague on BZP are overreacting. And there's a clear overlap between them and the people who despair that BZP is "losing its way" by shifting from a BIONICLE focus to a focus on general LEGO. So part of it is clearly paranoia that, because many BZPers have moved on to other things besides BIONICLE, BZP has become fickle enough that it will change its focus on a whim.


But then again, I also dislike when people talk about it as if it's a short-lived fad, and wonder when it will end. I think the fact that it hasn't ended yet should prove that, rather than a fad, it's a legitimate interest. And while the trend of having pony avs and sigs may trail off, particularly whenever the series ends, for now the pony fandom on BZP is helping to hold together a community that fractured after the end of BIONICLE. And I can't see how that's a bad thing.

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