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Some Semblance Of Normalcy Is Restored



So, I have my computer back. :D It turns out that the damage they did while repairing it basically meant everything had to be replaced, so hard drive, RAM, and bottom panel aside, this is essentially a brand new machine.




Also tried out the new iPads while I was there since the last time I had tried one was about a year ago. They've improved them a great deal - I still want to see more improvement before I consider it more than a nifty gadget, and I'd never give up a full computer for one, but they're definitely improving, I could imagine having a business use them instead of computers for cost, space, and efficiency purposes.


Also picked up the Kid Icarus game I didn't even know had come out that I still had pre-reserved from way back. Why didn't anyone tell me that Gamestop isn't stocking used Gamecube stuff anymore? :( On the bright side though, that did mean I was about to snag a copy of Madden for $1.


And now it's time to find out if a first-generation iPod Touch can get a recent enough software update to run that ME3 thing.


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