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Inside The System [Art]

Taka Nuvia



(Clicking the thumbnail leads to the full drawing)


Alternative title: Cyber ninja xD

Media: Tradtitional (Lineart), Digital (Colouring, background)

Time: ~7 hours, maybe? Probably less, though


What else is there to say... I've been quite into the appearance of Cybergoth lately, although this drawing doesn't really fall under the 'cybergoth' tag, except for the Loxx maybe - let's say, it was inspired by it, okay. ^_^


I wish I could wear neon green. But I look very silly if I do. xD


Comments, Criticism? Like, dislike?


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This... This is amazing.


The position and the way the loxx seem to move with the drawing are both awesome.

The digital coloring worked out very well, though i prefer sticking to just pencils.



The style is great, the position rules and the coloring just puts the last peices of the puzzle together.

What more could you want?






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@Bionicle Raptor: thanks a lot! :D


@Peach00: Yep, that's really annoying. But admittedly, neon colours look awkward on most people. Sadly ><


@Dwanny: Thanks a lot for the review! ^^

I prefer traditional media, too, but sometimes a motive looks better when done digitally; or not necessarily better, but it looks different, and that's the look I'm going for. (does this even make sense?)


Thanks a lot, really! :)

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You have an excellent point, it's not that it looks better, it's that it looks different.




...The more i look at this artwork, the more i seem to like it.








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