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Dark Stuff: Black Lipstick

Taka Nuvia


Black Lipstick


I've been meaning to write about this for quite a while, actually... since IMO it's a rather controversial and interesting topic. For me, anyways.


Usually it's associated with a goth look. Opinions differ, some people say yes, it's great, others hate it and say it's pretentious and whatnot.


Black lips are bold, and sadly, black lipstick is really really hard to apply, especially if someone is not experienced with lipstick or dark lip colours in general.


... now onto my opinion and a little FaQ ^^


- Personal Opinion

It's a pity that it looks good on only few people, but if someone is able to pull it off, it's one of the coolest things ever.

BUT hey, if someone wears it, I find it great, anyway. Why? Because it takes a lot of courage to go out like that. Really.


- So, Taka, do you wear it?

Saaaaadly not. :( I should. I really should. But I'm scared. Which is sad. Also, just imagine what would happen if I went to school looking like that. xD I can already imagine the comments - "Is that black lipstick?", because, people at my school are super-clever like that.


- Do you have a Black Lipstick, then?

Yes I do. And I do practise. Trust me, someday I'll dare to wear it. Soon.



Enough from me, what do YOU think? Seriously, I'm curious. Very. :)


Recommended Comments

I'm kind of averse to girls wearing a lot of makeup because it makes them look artificial; that said, I don't like black lipstick because it takes away from a natural look. A lot of guys seem to like girls who wear makeup, though, so take my opinion with a bit of salt.

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A lot of guys seem to like girls who wear makeup, though, so take my opinion with a bit of salt.


So you're assuming Taka caters to men or majorities in general?


Lol just kidding. I generally dislike makeup too, although I think black lipstick is a bit different from normal makeup.


- :burnmad:

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It makes no difference to me. Wear what you want. I like seeing the different styles of others, even if I would never wear black lipstick. Just because I wouldn't wear it doesn't mean that I don't like it. ^_^

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To be honest it's kind of excessive, and make up is generally supposed to be light. It's supposed to "bring out your beauty", not be the main subject. I think if a girl wears black lip stick, regardless of what people like, it'd still be somewhat showy, which isn't really an impression you want. Or I'd want in myself by wearing, I dunno bright pink jackets. (Which looks incredibly showy on girls too imo but whatever)


So I'm gonna say it's not a great taste and even if you look okay in it, the fact that you're throwing some people off by wearing it isn't a good thing either. (And I'm not speaking of you, just in a general sense and in anyway people dress :) )

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I have an aversion to excessive makeup, which I think black lipstick leans in that direction. The only makeup I can ever see wearing is either eye-shadow or lipstick, but even the eye-shadow isn't really needed. Lipstick seems like the only useful makeup tool, lol.


Still, a natural feel is what makes most girls beautiful, even if you have makeup that makes you look natural or not. I suppose it's a matter of taste, but I suggest keeping with natural makeup (Not that there could be such a thing, but you get the idea. :P) Black just seems a little...gaudy, I suppose. It isn't the best thing in the world, but it's your choice.


I agree with Grant, though - showy isn't an impression you want. I wouldn't consider black lipstick being gauche or anything like that, but I just don't think it'd be a good look to go for.

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Surprise, surprise, I got replies xD

Thanks for sharing your opinion, everyone. ^_^ I'm really happy to hear about it, even if I don't agree with all of you.


A lot of guys seem to like girls who wear makeup, though, so take my opinion with a bit of salt.
So you're assuming Taka caters to men or majorities in general?

Lol just kidding. I generally dislike makeup too, although I think black lipstick is a bit different from normal makeup.- :burnmad:

Haha xD That made my day, really. ^^

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