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Blog Fire Drill



Well, you can probably tell by now that I'm loving this blog thing, so I had an idea. What if I were to have a "Blog Fire Drill" of sorts, just to see how quickly I can evacuate my blog in case of an emergency? I could change all of the entries to drafts, and time how long it took to do; that could be the evacuation time.


And then members could compare evacuation times, etc. It could become like a fad or something. :sarcastic:


Or we could even have Lock Down Drills, to see how quickly you can lock all of your entries.


... just a thought. I think it'd be cool to see just how long it takes to shut one's blog down entirely (well, minus the content blocks, but we'll just have to forget about those :P). While I can't really envision a situation in which such a drill would be needed (hackers? o_O), you really never know, just like in real life.


So what do you guys think about that idea?


Onuki, over and out


P.S. Does anyone know exactly what locking an entry does? I would imagine that it prevents anyone from commenting on it, but does it also prevent it from being viewed by members who don't own the blog or are Blog Staff?


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Umm... okay... a blog fire drill... I'm not giving this blog enough attention...


Well, a fire-drill would be fun to pull off. I'd like see how many of the premier members actually give into this idea. I can't think of any reason to do a fire-drill in the first place, but as you said, you never know. Maybe there's, like, some odd and severe internet crisis and we have to just flush out the system.


:blink: Woah, I just saw BZPower getting flushed, heh...


*lock down has such a cool sound*

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*lock down has such a cool sound*
Indeed it does. ^_^ I'd imagine that that's half the fun of being on staff -- you get to lock stuff down... or up, now that you think about it. :blink:
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don't you find it odd those two mean the same thing?

like flammable and inflammable.

Yeah, that's weird stuff. :blink:
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It's like Wal-Mart all over again.


Onuki, you have -the- best blog ever. :P


Oh, and no it doesn't prevent people from looking at it. They just can't post anymore.


You stole my frozen dinner line :P

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don't you find it odd those two mean the same thing?

like flammable and inflammable.

Yeah, that's weird stuff. :blink:


Sort of like the difference between unlawful and illegal.

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As usual, my timing could not be worse. >.< So many entries... :drooling:


I'll just make this quick: Awesome blog you have here, Onuki! And congrats on going Premier for that matter.


Anyway, though I do not have a blog and have never had any experience with one, I think locking an entry will simply not allow any more comments to be posted. Of course, this is just my thinking on the matter, so it doesn't really help, does it? :rolleyes:


A blog fire drill? Well, I do not have one myself, so I can't say much. However, I think it would be pretty interesting to see "evacuation" time records. XD I think performing a lock down drill would indeed only be needed against hackers and the like. I can't find any other uses for it... :lol:

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Onuki, you have -the- best blog ever. :P
Heh, that's what I was aiming for. :P
Oh, and no it doesn't prevent people from looking at it. They just can't post anymore.

You stole my frozen dinner line :P

Thanks for the lock-ed info.


Well you see, I was considering putting: "Exo: ALL YOUR FROZEN..." But that would make my blog look like some kind of noobish comedy. :P


But maybe I'll find a better way of giving you credit in the subtitle... something less noobish, but still funny. :evilgrin:

don't you find it odd those two mean the same thing?

like flammable and inflammable.

Yeah, that's weird stuff. :blink:
Sort of like the difference between unlawful and illegal.
Yeah, sort of... :mellow:
As usual, my timing could not be worse. >.< So many entries... :drooling:


I'll just make this quick: Awesome blog you have here, Onuki! And congrats on going Premier for that matter.


Anyway, though I do not have a blog and have never had any experience with one, I think locking an entry will simply not allow any more comments to be posted. Of course, this is just my thinking on the matter, so it doesn't really help, does it? :rolleyes:


A blog fire drill? Well, I do not have one myself, so I can't say much. However, I think it would be pretty interesting to see "evacuation" time records. XD I think performing a lock down drill would indeed only be needed against hackers and the like. I can't find any other uses for it... :lol:

Well, I think you turned out to be right anyway (it's what Exo said :P). XD


Thanks on the blog! I was going for awesome, so I'm glad it turned out as such. ^_^


I'll probably do a blog drill tomorrow... don't worry, there'll be an entry about it first.


- Onuki

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Ok, Onuki. Stop. Your ideas are scaring me now. :fear: I mean, a Blog Fire Drill? That's really weird... I guess that pretty soon there we'll be a new "Quiz Banner". Just replace the "Quiz" in it by "Blog Fire Drill" and you got it. :P


Congrats for the BotW!

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Ok, Onuki. Stop. Your ideas are scaring me now. :fear: I mean, a Blog Fire Drill? That's really weird... I guess that pretty soon there we'll be a new "Quiz Banner". Just replace the "Quiz" in it by "Blog Fire Drill" and you got it. :P


Congrats for the BotW!

Heh, thanks. :D
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