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Cruel And Unusual Punishment (From: Bzprpg - Kini-Nui)

a goose




Kini-Nui. Place of Storytelling. Place of Secrets. Place of Darkness. And an Entrance To Other Worlds... in more ways than one. Indeed, this sacred place had more than one function, one that was few knew.


Few in the entire multiverse knew.


It began as a low rumbling. First dust began to fall, then small rocks began to come loose until a small earthquake was felt. Animals scurried away, birds flew off, and an uncomfortable silence befalled the place as the massive pylons began to glow with an errie, unearthly light. Suddenly, from these pylons arcs of electical energy short forth, meeting in the center and creating a perfect, blinding ball of light. As more energy was pumped into the system the larger the ball grew, the more blinding the light until a massive, brillaint construct stood in the center of the sacred temple. There was a flash, slight boom, and as quickly as the portal came into being it vanished into nothingness, leaving three beings standing in its place.


They were unlike anything anyone had ever seen yet at the same time extremely... familiar.


"Have you the list?" spoke one, his voice deep and grave. The second nodded.


"Of course." he said with a bow, voice lighter and with slight reverence to the first. The third simply snorted, crossing his arms as he did.


"Let's just get this over with. Why the Powers That Be want with this messy myriad of characters together is beyond me, if not annoying. We have better things to do than to snatch insignificant creatures from their realm into another just for their amusement.


"Silence! You know our Master's will is above our own." commanded the first Weaver, clearly the seasoned leader of the group. "We do what we are ordered to do. Please, read the names."


With great reverence the second bowed and slowly unrolled a heavy scroll, lifting it up before him. "Behold the names:



The Shadow





Unknown Mystix, Water Breed







Unknown Toa, Sonics Class




May those listed be found and brought forth as has been decrees. So let it be written, so let it be done!" With a flourish he re-rolled the scroll and placed it back on his belt. The senior janitor nodded.


"We have our orders. Find them, bring them. Peace to you my brothers."


In sequential order the three disappeared in a stroke of lightning, no evidence or person to witness their passage.


OOC: :evilgrin:



Source: Bzprpg - Kini-Nui


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I had a feeling, but I wasn't sure, and didn't want to say anything if it wasn't true. xD


</half tempted now to have an alt-universe Kairan join up>


Wots: was going to be good. =/

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Well, is, but... =P


Ah. I didn't notice my comment was removed :(


I guess it was counted as spam or something.

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