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Bzpcraft: Hardcore - And The Winner Is...



Avohkah Tamer!


Good Game guys, and AT, That chase at the end. Whew!


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Well, yes and no, we met up in a plains biome, and then I ran. I nearly got him with my lava I had, but He escaped and Bite into me after that. ;_;

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I was attacked from behind while crafting by someone who apparently had neither the skill nor the honor to engage in legitimate PVP combat.

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I died when




But no, seriously, that was really fun. We definitely have to do it again, and I think I might even provide the prize for next time.


Avohkah Tamer chased me down and shot me full of arrows.

With extreme prejudice! Maybe that'll teach you not to loot my chests. =P

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Good to know AT won. Sounds like I was just the first in a glorious battle.


Also I died when I sneaked into AT's house and accidentally hit the inventory button. -.-

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Gah, wish I didn't have to leave :/ Oh well, next time, next time. And yes, I am a dishonarable maggot, so don't expect me to play fair :P

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Frankly, I wouldn't expect someone like that to play at all. There need to be stricter guidelines about the type of people allowed to participate in these events.

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Hm. Well, considering I'm not whining about what happened, I think I'm clear -.- Now, I'm not going to take this further, as I don't like arguing.

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"Whining"? Really? I'm doing nothing more than bringing to light a serious oversight in the rules and an unfair occurrence that robbed not only myself but another player of our chances to even legitimately participate in this "competition". There's nothing the least bit competitive about the tactic you used. That's why I have a problem with it, and that's why I feel the need to bring it up.


PVP stands for "player versus player", not "player kills unarmed opponents from behind".

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Well, I'm sorry if you feel wronged :/ I was under the impression that it was "hardcore survival," and that any tactic that wasn't cheating was permitted. Though, from what I see, many of the kills weren't actual fights, they were more like sneak attacks on unaware people.

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The majority of kills I've been told of involved some amount of combat and defense, even if briefly. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself, or even to see the face or name of my attacker before I was dead. Didn't even know it was you.

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Well, we'll wait to see MI's call. If he decides to implement a rule that you can't just randomly kill people that don't know you're there, I'll be fine with that.

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LM, just drop it. Im not going to have you two poking back at each other here, so stop.


My final call on this matter: Though very underhanded and dirty the tactic was, It stood within the current rules.


I'm going to be SURE to add a new setup time rule come next time. >>

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Considering I've been actively browsing the site this entire time and, after nearly three hours, I had not replied to his last comment.. I think it's safe to say it's been dropped.


There's simply nothing more to say.

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