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Soldiers, In The Name Of Democracy, Let Us All Unite!



Every time I hear the speech from the end of The Great Dictator, I tear up a little. I should watch the movie sometime.


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I doubt it. Not everything is made better by mashups.


Besides. Inception doesn't have any pieces that I feel could match the speech's backing tune as powerfully.

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Been a while since I first saw The Great Dictator, but my it's a great film. That speech truly is one of the better ones. Lovely film, Chaplin is amazing.


Watching the mash up now. It's not bad. Uses 'Time'. Could be turned down a bit though. Kinda drowns him out a bit.


But that's the thing, I just compared it to the original, which of course has no music. And it (the original) is WAY more powerful. Music is wonderful, but it can be distracting, especially when your attention should be paid to something that is so important. Chaplin's words ring out loud and true, and it gets you, and you really wish that the world was as he describes it. And you just focus all your attention on him and what he says, nothing else matters at that point. This is interesting because his whole career up till that point is based on physical movement/humour and music, and this, probably my favourite moment of his by far, removes both of these. It's really powerful, a real eye-opener because it strays away from the usual Chaplin formula, and that makes all the more incredible. I've seen other mashups and what not, but nothing is as good as the raw original.


Also it's even better when you know the context. People should watch that film, it's great. Also hilarious.


Not sure where this spiel on Chaplin came from, oh well.



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