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Flipping Through Pages...

Taka Nuvia


... reading like crazy.


Whole story: Seeing as classes now sometimes tend to be a bit boring, partly due to the fact that there's hardly anyone there, and also because neither teachers nor students seem to be very... ambitious when it comes to going on with what should be done, I decided to take a book with me. "The War of the Flowers" by Tad Williams. It's a fantasy novel, and even though the title sounds a bit ridiculous, it's been a gripping read so far.

And hey, I got until page 112 today. Overall, the book has ~800 pages, so if it continues like that, I'll be done sooner than expected. =/


We'll see. Since I refuse to simply not attend some classes, I guess reading is the best option I have. ^^


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The title sounds interesting (I actually love bizarre sounding stories like that. One book I started reading was Cat Laughing Last and it was one in a series of books about cats that are sentient detectives that solve murder mysteries. It sounds so strange, but it's actually quite clever. A cat's position is actually pretty perfect for a sleuth as they're designed to fit into tight spaces and nobody suspects them as being a threat. The funniest parts are when the cats actually talk (in English) to a select few humans working to solve the case and also to poke into their personal affairs (such as relationships and all). It's really quite a fun read thus far. I really should finish it).


What's it about?

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Hm... it's about Theo Vilmos, a thirty-year old singer, whose life turns for the worse - his pregnant girlfriend losing the baby and splitting up with him, his mother dying of pancreatic cancer soon afterwards - who then somehow gets drawn into an alternative world, some kind of fairyland.


(Combination of what I've read so far and the blurb, I hope it makes sense xD)


I am enjoying it a lot so far, partly also because I absolutely love Tad Williams' writing style. ^^

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Yep, and this way I can keep my mind occupied... in a silent way. xD And it's better than just sitting around being bored... not at last because actually I loooove reading. ^^

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