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Tyranid Army: First Update

Takuma Nuva


Alright, I've decided on what I'm going to paint my tyranid army. It's actually a bit of a cross between the last two ideas, more or less.




In other news, I've got all 16 hormagaunts and most of 1 warrior clipped, cleaned, and primed. I want to get the rest of the warriors that far before I start painting anything. I'd show all y'all a picture, but a pile of random black pieces ain't much to look at.


I still need to work on my spray-priming technique, but it's good enough that I can paint them. (I think... :notsure:)


Anyways, I'm gonna finish priming the warriors, buy a hive tyrant and paint/brushes, and then go from there.


Also, I sliced my left pinkie finger today with the hobby knife while working on these things. Trying to type this is a pain when wearing the band-aid. Seriously, why do thumbs get all the attention? Pinkies are just as important!


Also, I just realized something. The Tyranids are commonly referred to as "The Great Devourer". Ha ha. They aren't the only great devourer that comes to mind. B) I wonder if that was a subconscious decision...




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Bah, sorry. I just always think of bright green on black as "Matrix colors" because of the whole digital rain thing.

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Well, I've never seen The Matrix.


And actually, it's not black. It's a really dark blue. Necron Abyss to be specific.


«Takuma Nuva»

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That sounds like a Grimdark Crayola color.


Like, you'd see it in a box with other crayons like "Khorne Crimson" or "Imperium Pearl" or "WAAAAAGH."

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