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The Alliance Of Awesomness (From: Bzprpg News And Discussion)

a goose


Actually Kal, it would be chaos if any two members of this RPG met in real life. More than two threatens to bring about the end of society as we know it.


And thank you ever so much for the reminder about carnivorous plants.


You think? Tuck, Nuju, EW and I have hung out before and the universe is still here =P


You're the calm ones.


Imagine if Tyler, Krayzikk, Wotz, Snells, Vorex, Gravity, You, Tuck, Nuju, EW, CJ, and I all met in real life.


We would destroy the universe thrice over.


And create just as many parallel universes.

Dude. This must be made a reality. For great justice.

And you left out Hubert. :(



Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion


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Well, I barely ever talk to people I don't KNOW. Once I got into it, I'd probably even do my Reichenbach voice.

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By the end of the day, my presence will either a) make you run away from me B) try and kill me.


I'm just obnoxious like that.

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I annoy everyone. In real life, I'm pretty much like Reichenbach. And about as many people like as like Reich. XD

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This is seeming more and more like a bad idea...

If only we could somehow 'arrange' to have ourselves in a specific place, at a specific time, so that this could actually happen. XD

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