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Together At Last



The year is 2001. My mom is pushing me out of walmart in a shopping cart. I have already finished building my first Bionicle ever, Pohatu.


I drop the rock that came with him.


I frantically look around I the ground. I can't find it. My mom stops and casually looks around for it. We can't find it.


My mom comforts me, and we go home, no rock in hand.


Fast forward to the present.


I'm at the house of one of my mom's friends. There's a big bucket of Lego nearby and I figure there might be a few bionicle pieces in the mix. There was, and her son also had a whole bunch more stuff that I didn't have, and will probably be going back to buy from him.


Anyway, that's when I see it. Not 1, but 3 rocks. Just like the one I lost that day. I find the woman's son and ask him if I can have one. He says sure.


Reunited at long last.




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it's the very same rock you dropped over 10 years ago



You never dropped it.



Santa Claus is your mother.

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Enraged at the direspectfulness of your dropping it, the rock threw it's very molecules in different directions upon hitting the ground, reassembling them at a different point in space and time. However, during its journey, it decided it had been a bit hasty and put itself in your path.


Bottom line: The rock is sentient and all-powerful. Treat it well.


- :burnmad:

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PLOT TWISTit's the very same rock you dropped over 10 years ago


And suddenly, flashbacks to Mother 3.

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