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Gilly Soose, We Miss You.





Anyway, I'm thinking I should be famous. Why not? Being famous is fun. People hold car doors open for you. They recognize you. They like you. And most of all, they don't throw pineapples at your window at 1:00 demanding that you stop procrastinating and GIVE THEM THEIR FREAKING WINDSHIELD BACK. That's just such a pain in the astronaut. But how to become famous is the question, all the time. I hear "How do I become famous?" all the time. And all the time, I'm hearing "How do I become famous?". And lots of times, when I hear "How do I become famous?", I think to myself "Wow, I hear that all the time." But you get the point. Anyway, one way to do it is to just make up a bunch of quotes that'll be quoted worldwide and everyone will love you.

"I don't have a problem with authority. Authority has a problem with me." Maybe. Too dramatic, probably.

"ALL YOUR FROZEN DINNERS BELONG TO US." It worked for Michael Jackson!

"YOUR MOM." Really, where did that come from? It's so stoopied.

"Deck the halls with balls of Hahli, fa la la la la, la la la la." No...just...no.


So maybe that's not the best way to become famous.


Perhaps you could be involved in a shocking scandal with an already-famous person.

"They did WHAT?!"

"That's right, they bought a new microwave!"

"Oh that did NOT just happen!"

"Oh yes it did!"



"I'm not having this conversation."


Maybe that won't work either.


The only proven way is to become famous for committing a crime, then rising to stardom after that, getting in the tabloids, but becoming a national hero among a small cultlike group of pudgy and short followers, then using that fame to get in a movie, launching a successful acting career, being happy, then beginning a slow decline into drugs, then rehab, then ending up alone and broke singing show tunes in an alleyway.


Y'know what, I'll stick to just being Exo.


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Ah, good choice. Being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be. Why, just look at me!


*Shadow Six wishes he weren't delusional*

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"Deck the halls with balls of Hahli, fa la la la la, la la la la." No...just...no.

You know that's my quote, right? :lol: 'Tis the season to be Jaller.


Anyways, you don't need to go to a lot of trouble to be famous. You're plenty famous here on BZP. Everyone knows you! :D


By the way, does anyone know where Exo M7 went...? :P




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Turakii, it's boughs... *cringe-o*

Here's how to be famous.

1. Own a webcam.
2. Find a random foreign song from a random foreign band that nobody knows about from a random foreign country that no-one pays much attention to. Good options are Myanmar, Svalbard, Kyrzkhstan (or whatever) and Democratic Repulic of the Congo. We all know the Japanese are crazy-mawsome, but they've just been done so many times before..
3. Learn the words to this particular song. Or, if it has no words, make up words. That's even better.
4. Webcamiotape yourself singing this song, very, VERY enthusiastically. Make it like you really love this song. Bonus points if you're rather large and your jawbone can become unhinged.
5. Have a weird name like the greats. It has to start with a G and end with an A. Some S-next-to-an-L adds for the celebrity-ity.
6. Intentionally unintentionally have a friend come accross this video clip, and have them submit it behind your back to "Yoo toob", Google Videos, or some other site of the sort.
7. Sit back and wait. Soon the e-mail attachments will start flying (maybe send some yourself under a rogue address) and more and more people on the internet will catch on.
8. Websites will start putting your carppy video up. More and more it'll spread like a perpetually itched rash of poison ivy, until there's not a soul on the planet who doesn't have the stupid tune stuck in their head.
9. Revel in the fandom that you honestly don't deserve. You're famous now, and people will send you checks to go to Get-A-Life University, while others will send you checks to convince you to stay a moron.
10. Do what you want with your celebrity status. Buy a gas station line and have it named after you, then go kill all the Diamond Shamrocks in the country. The possiblities are limitless.

Steps 2-4 can be altered to not invloving singing a foreign song at all, so long as the new method involves yourself doing something embarrasing, boring, and just plain stupid. And if you sincerely think you're cool while you're doing it, that's even better.

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0_o what the pie? I like pie. pickles are fun. pi? 3.1415926535897932384626.... WHAT?! THE RANDOMNESS IS FOR THE BLOG?! OBJECTION! (what does objection mean anyway?) whatever. laughed my head off.

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Turakii, it's boughs... *cringe-o*


Here's how to be famous.

1. Own a webcam.

2. Find a random foreign song from a random foreign band that nobody knows about from a random foreign country that no-one pays much attention to. Good options are Myanmar, Svalbard, Kyrzkhstan (or whatever) and Democratic Repulic of the Congo. We all know the Japanese are crazy-mawsome, but they've just been done so many times before..

3. Learn the words to this particular song. Or, if it has no words, make up words. That's even better.

4. Webcamiotape yourself singing this song, very, VERY enthusiastically. Make it like you really love this song. Bonus points if you're rather large and your jawbone can become unhinged.

5. Have a weird name like the greats. It has to start with a G and end with an A. Some S-next-to-an-L adds for the celebrity-ity.

6. Intentionally unintentionally have a friend come accross this video clip, and have them submit it behind your back to "Yoo toob", Google Videos, or some other site of the sort.

7. Sit back and wait. Soon the e-mail attachments will start flying (maybe send some yourself under a rogue address) and more and more people on the internet will catch on.

8. Websites will start putting your carppy video up. More and more it'll spread like a perpetually itched rash of poison ivy, until there's not a soul on the planet who doesn't have the stupid tune stuck in their head.

9. Revel in the fandom that you honestly don't deserve. You're famous now, and people will send you checks to go to Get-A-Life University, while others will send you checks to convince you to stay a moron.

10. Do what you want with your celebrity status. Buy a gas station line and have it named after you, then go kill all the Diamond Shamrocks in the country. The possiblities are limitless.


Steps 2-4 can be altered to not invloving singing a foreign song at all, so long as the new method involves yourself doing something embarrasing, boring, and just plain stupid. And if you sincerely think you're cool while you're doing it, that's even better.




I agree. I mean, people like Leekspin and Carameldansen,right? :P

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