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Peach 00


Purple 3DS wat?


Haven't gotten a 3DS yet...my old DS is still living, so why get a new one? =P



It's Wal-Mart. Their security is laughable. Haha!


But seriously, I'm still on the fence about getting the purple one. If at all, that's probably the color I would get, but I'm not sure how cool it will look in person. I'll wait for reviews and such.



@ Peach: They announced it last week.


Well, you could get it because it's better in every way (except battery life). I've just been holding out because I was hoping they would release a purple or green one, and my hopes have been justified.

Blessed Blade


Purple 3DS wat?Haven't gotten a 3DS yet...my old DS is still living, so why get a new one? =P

It's more than a DS, just to mention. =) It's more like the GBA - DS transition, regardless of what the name might imply. I blame the DSi's close release. =P


Bunda: What does the Purple one look like, anyway? I've been hearing about it for about a week, but...

Peach 00


Ahh, I see. Still, I haven't gotten one because it's a bit expensive, or that I just don't have enough money. I love my DS anyway, until it breaks I probably won't get the 3DS. However, a purple 3DS sounds pretty awesome...what I have currently is teal green, which is cool looking as well. The blue color is also quite cool.


I do see it is better in a lot of ways, and there are plenty of games I'd love to get for it (The latest Kid Icarus game, Animal Crossing, Ocarina of Time...ah, so many. =P). I just wanted to get as much use out of what I have now before it dies as I can, I guess, for as long as it will hold out. Besides, I don't have enough money, even if I did want to get one. =/

Blessed Blade


True, true. And just to mention, Kid Icarus: Uprising is amazing; which is why I switched my name to Pit. xD I understand, though.


Just wasn't sure if you were aware, and it is a kinda common misconception. =)

Hahli Husky


Grrrr now I can't decide whether to get a pink one or a purple one!! :(



@ Blade: I don't know, I haven't seen it outside of promotional images and box artwork, which isn't always accurate, because the blue 3DS looks very different in person. It looks dark violet, which is perfect, because that is my most favorite color.


@ HH I myself am not a fan of the Pearl Pink 3DS. It's too... Pearly.

Protodite Karzahni


The purple taunts me. Don't get me wrong, I love my blue 3DS, but this one is in purple. Oh, why must my haste have gotten the better of me?



Grrrr now I can't decide whether to get a pink one or a purple one!! :(


Show purple some love!

Blessed Blade


The only one so far that I've regretted getting my Cosmo Black 3DS instead of... Is the Zelda 3DS. So, overall, I'm just missing out on gold colouring on top of the current 3DS I have, which isn't too bad. =P

Hahli Husky


@ HH I myself am not a fan of the Pearl Pink 3DS. It's too... Pearly.

Hmmmm I think I agree with you, looking at it now. I have the pink DS Lite, which is a pink I like better.

Peach 00


@ HH I myself am not a fan of the Pearl Pink 3DS. It's too... Pearly.
Hmmmm I think I agree with you, looking at it now. I have the pink DS Lite, which is a pink I like better.


I haven't seen the pink...I ought to check it out. Indeed, I liked the shade of pink the DS Lite have. Although never having a DS LIte, either, did see a couple of friends' DS Lites with that color.

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