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Blorg, Say The Ninjas



As to what that means, I have no idea whatsoever... But that goes for the meaning of life, too, so oh well. I was having some sort of pleasant dream relating to the horrific doom of people when my bleeping alarm clock woke me up. Do we really know why we dream? Why we slumber and dwell in these wisps of fantasies? It all means nothing in the end. Dreams cannot escape the tomb of one's decaying skull. Why do we take life for granted and run along in a routine that doesn't let us stop to think, which is a needed ability? Why do we spend time on frivolous pursuits and refuse to comprehend the need to make the most of what we have before us? Refuse to use our minds and think deeply about what we do? Why? And why are you reading this blog, smelly reader goblins?







Run along now.


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Well, I heard that, when deprived of all senses, the mind creates its own information (an exampl would be hallucinations)..........I think a similar thing happens when we sleep..........Which is why its so easy to precieve dreams as being reality while sleeping.................

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We dream because after we fall asleep our brains continue to work, and subconsciously we see things... or brain worms... brain worms are a good answer too... Blorg...

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