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Remembering Toonami... From When - I - Was A Kid.



So as you all no doubt heard by now, Toonami's coming back onto Adult Swim. That's pretty nifty.


Now, as many of you probably know about me... I'm old. Like 24. So if you couldn't tell from me saying "I'm 24," let me be perfectly clear how much of Toonami I remember.


I remember when it first launched.


I literally watched the very first day it was on. It was fascinating, it was different, it was a great idea. They brought Anime to a unified block of programming every afternoon, and once a west coast feed was established, I was able to see it right after school when I got home. THAT was a plus. (Having Cartoon Network in the first place was ALSO a plus, given it was EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE cable at the time of its launch, and we had it right at the beginning.)


Now, when I say I remember when it first launched, let me be clear: I watched MOLTAR. MOLTAR. You might remember Moltar, he's a Space Ghost villian from the classic 60's shorts who was then repurposed for the show 'Space Ghost Coast to Coast' as a producer and basically the guy who makes the stuff happen behind the scenes. Some might also remember he was not Zorak or Brak.


I also remember when TOM 1.0 was first used. I immediately missed Moltar, but I was fine with this change over time.


I remember TOM 2.0 as well. The entire story there was amazing, and I'd love to see CN re-release all of that footage for either download, streaming on their site, or purchase on DVD. I'd buy it.


Now, in 2001 I actually had to move to a new house, so I did not get a chance to actually see any more TV (we cut it off when we moved) so I didn't see any of the other stuff. That's kinda sad. (I eventually got DirecTV, so I saw some stuff between 09-11)


I guess my point behind this blog post is to show I'm getting older. That's also kinda sad. (I also just cancelled my DirecTV recently.)


But hey, Toonami's coming back. Sweet.


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Just kidding buddy. :3 And yeah I'm looking forward to it. Though it's not going to be SUCH a huge deal to some people as I know to others, mainly because it probably won't have the same effect on me, as seeing say, Gundam Wing for the first time.

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Grant, I've probably told you this before, but you are my absolute favorite <3


But yeah, Toonami coming back is piiiimp.

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