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Character In A Marriage

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Character is Key. Character is King.


To follow up on my last entry, it is necessary to spend more than a brief paragraph describing the most important quality in any spouse. I believe that adults who choose to engage in the act of marriage should be ready for the supreme test of maturity that it entails. It is at this point where people have to remember that the most important thing they can look for is content of character.


Let's face it. Marriage starts off exciting, but then gets boring and descends into the hectic life of taking care of family matters. Pretty soon, there's no "me" time, especially for the unfortunate wife (which, being on the opposite end of the spectrum, makes me feel guilty). There are verbal abuse, arguments, disagreements, times when compromise is hard. It's not easy.


The thing about love is that it shouldn't be easy. The moment it gets easy, you know that something's wrong. It's in the nature of humanity to be self-centered. Going beyond our center defies nature, so finding a center beyond ourselves will always be an uphill battle. The love that comes from marriage should be above mere bodily passion, emotional need, or intellectual conclusion. The passions of the body are fleeting and shallow. Emotions are never as deep as they seem. The intellect is merely a conscious awareness and understanding of our place. The love of which I speak must come directly from the human spirit. Only such a love can truly be considered timeless and immortal, and it transcends the limited dimensions of the sensations previously mentioned. It is the one love that truly is committed, patient, and unfailing.


Love is a choice we make, not a feeling. The feeling of love can be easily directed toward one individual. However, in order to truly be a loving person, it cannot be contained within a closed relationship and should find its place within the larger picture of the universe itself. It is not something directed only to one person, but shared with everyone. The truly loving person must find their center in every person they come across. If someone cannot love in this manner, how can his or her spouse expect this much in return? A person lacking in this love toward everyone will not be able to bring it into marriage, only the illusions of bodily, emotional, and intellectual love. It is not who you are underneath, not your feeling or your thoughts, but your actions that define you. This shows the true content of character, the character that one person will eventually love and marry.


Therefore, love everyone. Love, because it is good. Have a love for goodness for its own sake. Do this, and you will be the best you can be, and people will find family in you.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Love is a choice we make, not a feeling.

If there's anything people should take from this entry it's this. Too many people people think it's the other way around, which is why there are so many problems with our society.


Feelings will eventually pass, but that doesn't mean you have to stop loving.



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Love is a choice we make, not a feeling.


Technically speaking, the more appropriate way to phrase it would be to say we do not choose or feel. Love is the one that chooses for us - we feel what it gives us. We by destiny are given love, and it chooses someone to be our destiny, and vice versa. So, honestly, love chooses for us the person we are destined to be with, and in thanks we should accept that choice. That's my view of it, anyhow, I'm possibly wrong on many levels, but that's how I think of it.


What is more difficult to do is to honestly appreciate our spouse. It takes a lot of work to appreciate the person whom you've chosen the spend the rest of your life with, not just love them and care for them. Indeed, caring is important, but we have to learn to appreciate and respect our opposite because of what they do for us.


If you can't (more properly, won't) fully appreciate the person you love and don't tell them how you do appreciate them for what they do for you and your lifestyle, then you are not worthy of being loved by that person.

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Love is a feeling. It absolutely is.


But you're right, in that to continue in love is a choice. It is something we have to decide to do every day.


So basically, it is both a feeling and a choice, working together in tandem.

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To add onto what other people are saying about love's nature:


I have approximately no experience in any form of love other than the familial form, but from what precious little I do know, I would say there are two sides to love: attraction and dedication. Attraction is a feeling. Dedication is a choice.

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