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I Forgot To Write Beforehand



To Disney, Day 2: I Forgot to Write Beforehand


This'll be a short one as I go to bed in like, five minutes (still don't know which park I go to tomorrow, but my parents are controlling everything =( darn) but anyway, some notes on today:

  • Wrote nothing regarding comedies
  • I've been playing through Pokemon Black Version the past two days, and I must say, it is pretty brilliant. By golly, it took me an hour to beat that third gym, but that's fine. It's far better than Diamond at the very least, I love N. Unfortunately I can't save my file though, so I'm hoping I can beat the game before I lose it all, as I'm not playing through the game again if I can help it. :P
  • Sausage n Egg McMuffins are just as good here as in Canada (woohoo), as are Double Cheeseburgers
  • Waffle House waffles are huge
  • Honestly I can't really say anything else, I literally just played Pokemon Black all day. Although I did steal mouthwash from the place we stayed yesterday.

The cabin I'm in right now is pretty sweet, and we drove through North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (obviously) today. When I return I'll post about the lisence plates of every state and province and territory (?) that I saw.


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Okay, first of all, I didn't know you were Canadian too. =D Unless, of course, you mentioned it somewhere and I forgot. >>'


Secondly, why can't you save Black?

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Ah, the classic "I have a file, but want to play through it again, let's see how far I can get without saving!" I've done that many times before. Woe is you if you accidentally save out of instinct, however. Me, I'll just wait until Black 2, which is shaping up to be awesome.

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If you're driving through the U.S., the only province/territory lisence plates you'll see are Canadian ones...I think. ;)

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Responding to your bullets:

  • Mean ibrow (JK).
  • I hate Pokemon, so I don't care about what you just said about it. If it was Mario or Sonic, though, I'd be happy to join your conversation!
  • Touche...stuff is just awesome in the U.S.
  • Are they the size of a house?
  • Again, I don't care about Pokemon, but stealing mouthwash is interesting...did you like it or is there no mouthwash in Canada (I'll guess it's the former).


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Lyichir: You can't overwrite the file with a new one on Gen 4 and up. It's really annoying, since you can't do anything with a new game, unless you want to lose it regardless; you can't even trade. xD


Sonis: That's why he also included state. =P

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Blade pretty much answered the qs, although I will say I did not eat one house sized pancake, but rather two.


It was painful.

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