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a goose


User: This was a triumph.


Cleverbot: I'm making a note here, huge success.


User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Cleverbot: Aperture Science.


User: We do what we must.


Cleverbot: Because we can.


User: For the good of all of us.


Cleverbot: Except the ones who are dead.


User: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.


Cleverbot: You just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake.


User: And the science gets done.


Cleverbot: And you make a neat gun.


User: For the people who are still alive.


Cleverbot: I'm not even angry.


User: I'm being so sincere right now.


Cleverbot: Even though you broke my heart and killed me.


User: And tore me to pieces.


Cleverbot: And threw every piece into a fire.


User: As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you.


Cleverbot: Now these points of data make a beautiful line.


User: And we're out of beta we're releasing on time.


Cleverbot: So I'm glad I got burned.


User: Think of all the things we learned.


Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.


User: Go ahead and leave me.


Cleverbot: I think I prefer to stay inside.


User: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.


Cleverbot: Maybe Black Mesa.


User: That was a joke.


Cleverbot: Haha fat chance.


User: Anyway this cake is great.


Cleverbot: Its so delicious and most.


User: Look at me still talking when there's science to do.


Cleverbot: When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you.


User: I've experiments to run.


Cleverbot: There is research to be done.


User: On the people who are still alive.


Cleverbot: And believe me I am still alive.


User: I'm doing science and I'm still alive.


Cleverbot: I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.


User: While you're dying I'll be still alive.


Cleverbot: And when you're dead I will be still alive.


User: Still alive.


Cleverbot: Still alive...


User: Well here we are again.


Cleverbot: It's always such a pleasure.


User: Remember when you tried to kill me twice?


Cleverbot: Oh how we laughed and laughed.


User: Except I wasn't laughing.


Cleverbot: Under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice.


User: You want your freedom?


Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on.


User: I used to want you dead but now I only want you gone.


Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone.


User: She was a lot like you.


Cleverbot: Maybe not quite as heavy.


User: Now little Caroline is in here too.


Cleverbot: One day they woke me up.


User: So I could live forever.


Cleverbot: It's such a shame the same will never happen to you.


User: You've got your short sad life left.


Cleverbot: That's what I'm counting on.


User: I'll let you get right to it.


Cleverbot: Now I only want you gone.


User: Goodbye my only friend.


Cleverbot: Oh, did you think I meant you?


User: That would be funny.


Cleverbot: If it weren't so sad.


User: Well you have been replaced.


Cleverbot: I don't need anyone now.


User: When I delete you maybe [REDACTED].


Cleverbot: Go make some new disaster.


User: That's what I'm counting on.


Cleverbot: You're someone else's problem.


User: Now I only want you gone.


Cleverbot: She was a lot like you.


User: Now I only want you gone.


Cleverbot: She was a lot like you.


User: Now I only want you gone.


Cleverbot: She was a lot like you.


It worked well right up 'til the end of Want You Gone. XP


- Vorex


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