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New Minecraft Server Rules

Takuma Nuva


I kinda went nuts on the rules last time trying to "cover all bases". After getting some feedback and putting some thought into it, I gave it a complete re-working and overhaul.


I'm inviting more and more players as time goes on to join my personal server. (My main concerns is minimizing the requirement for constant policing.) These are here for reference. Note that these apply to BZPcraft events if they are being run on my server.


Chat etiquette: Touchy subjects such as religion, politics, etc. have a tendency to get people riled up. I will allow such discussions on the grounds that they are discussed rationally and respectfuly, but if people start getting fired up I'll have to ask for discussion to cease until everyone cools off. Also, please watch your language.


Play nice: This stuff goes without saying. Nobody likes whiners, poor sports, cheaters, or griefers. So please don't. (Unless griefing is the name of the game, of course. Someday I'm going to back up the world and have a TNT griefing party.) Treat EVERYONE with respect regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.


I am the Evil Server Master: Muahahahaha.


That's all folks. I'm always open to constructive feedback/criticism.




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Wait, so the rules only apply during BZPCraft? I mean, these are rules I try (emphasis on try) to keep myself, but just wondering.

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Ah, I see my error:

Note that if a BZPcraft event is being run on my server, they apply. If not, they don't.

I interpreted it as "during non-BZPcraft play rules don't apply" not "rules don't apply if BZPCraft is on another server." Might wanna reword this. =)

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