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No Editable Form Fields On Page





So I'm going to admit that I'm not the greatest speller. I don't rely exclusively on spell check, but I always run it just as a quick double check on my posts. Unlike some people, I never post to MS Word, spell check, and then paste back to BZP; too time consuming, not to mention the issues Word has with pasting text, ext. Way back in the day, BZP used to have a spell check thingy, which was kinda clunky from what I remember. It's long gone, and today's current settings apparently doesn't have a spell check. (It has fine/replace, special pastes, and other sorts of wacky buttons, but I don't see a spell check.) I found a decent work-around when I installed Google Toolbar for IE. I now use the toolbar's other features quite a lot, but the spell check was the reason I downloaded it, and it worked pretty well.


Unfortunately, recently I've been getting a new error from it: There are no editable form fields on this page. But... I'm typing a blog post! I just wrote about Tahu and Rahi and Makuta and blarblarblahs and it's not even telling me that they aren't real words. :notify: I am sad, but like all you other Internet Explorer haters, I assumed it must be something to do with IE, Google Toolbar, or BZP.


Well, on IE, Google Toolbar's spell check doesn't seem to work on any field, including those on other sites.


BUT then I tried Firefox, which has a built in auto spell check. Works on other sites, but still not BZPower. Maybe the issue is with the new BZPower upgrades.


THEN I tested it on Chrome, which also has auto spell check. Works fine on BZPower and elsewhere. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?


Maybe there's some sort of random update going on in IE, Google Toolbar, Firefox, or BZP that's causing this to happen, and it'll come back with time. (Goodness knows Google Toolbar has it's update periods where the whole thing doesn't work for a week but then comes back.) Or maybe something is perminantly broken, and I can never check my spelling again.


Either way I don't want to change my habits and I want my standard features to come back. So yeah, post if you have similiar problems. If you don't have these issues and you just want to say "Well my browser is better than yours" then please don't post. I still reserve the right to exersise that "comment delete" button in my blog. :psychotwitch:


But yeah if my spelling is kaput for a while its either the lack of spell check or me intetndialee screwing it up.



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