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Wizard [Art]

Taka Nuvia


Original sketch




Colouring attempt



Okay, so, today I wanted to do something different for a change. And, having spent the entire day listening to Uriah Heep, I thought "Why not draw a wizard". So I did.

It's quite scary how much the facial expression changed...


Anyways, for colouring I actually scanned the sketch and printed a 'lighter' version, on top of which I used coloured pencils. Thankfully no harm was done to the original. I can only recommend this approach if you're not sure of the outcome. ;)


I'm not overly happy with how the colouring turned out, so I kinda 'gave up'. I don't know if I'll go over this a second time later on or not...


Comments and Critism would be greatly appreciated! :)


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Dat staff.


To get rid of those holes in the coloring, I'd suggest going over it with a white colored pencil and press hard to help blend it in. Or you could experiment with light markers (if you have some quality ones that don't over-do the coloring).


Or water colors. Water coloring sound like a better idea than markers. XD



[Valenti edit: Thou shalt not double comment~]

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Ooh, nice staff.

You're right, the facial expression did change a lot.

I find myself (as always) leaning towards the uncolored version.

Tekulo is right, water colors would indeed be good.

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Dat staff.


To get rid of those holes in the coloring, I'd suggest going over it with a white colored pencil and press hard to help blend it in. Or you could experiment with light markers (if you have some quality ones that don't over-do the coloring).

I know x3


Mhm... but the holes are mostly because I was about only half-way done. But thanks for the suggestion

*ahem* sorry, I think I misunderstood you yesterday; in my defense I would like to add that the scanner sort of killed the colouring - must be because the paper is actually not really white D=


Or water colors. Water coloring sound like a better idea than markers. XD


And what about watercolour markers? :evilgrin: Because I have those.


Ooh, nice staff.

You're right, the facial expression did change a lot.

I find myself (as always) leaning towards the uncolored version.

Tekulo is right, water colors would indeed be good.


Thankies, and yes, I too prefer the original sketch. ^^

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