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Grad 2012





Well, I graduate high school in a mere 2 weeks. The ceremonies are this weekend. Me and my friends decided to do this a long time ago, but only now did it - our grad prank. The rest of the grad class has already done theirs (some great stuff, too), but we wanted our own.


A car...


We painted it saying GRAD 2012 and gave it racing stripes and smily faces and stuff; ripped the engine, doors and seats out aswell.


In the courtyard of our school.


We chained it to the manhole cover so nobody can take it or anything lol, and everyone'll see it tomorrow morning. I took some videos of loading/unloading it into the truck, so I may or may not post those. It was fun.





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Makes me wish we didn't have a load of exams going on on our last day...


Usually the staff are lenient enough to turn a blind eye to the goings-on, but unfortunately the years below us had English exams, not just in the hall but in classrooms all over the school.


...Which is why I decided the best way to celebrate the end of 11 years of schooling was to skive a six-hour school day to spend twelve hours at a friend's house. It would have been more interesting if more friends had shared the sentiment.

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