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Bzpower Artist Interview #2 - Gavla

Taka Nuvia




That's right, it's time for another artist interview. This time with a brilliant comic artist - Gavla! (Thanks a lot for taking the time for the interview, and for making that awesome banner! =D)

So here it is!



When and why did you start making comics?


I was really bored one night. I felt like doing something to pass the time before bed. I had been reading a lot of comics in Artwork III and thought I'd give it a shot. So I did, and I'm glad I did. I started in April 2008. April 8th 2008, I believe.


If someone has influenced your way of making comics, who was it and why?


I was reading BZP comics back when the comics forum started years ago. I remember reading various comics from people that still worked on them up until now.

If anyone it would be a mix of people. A lot of comic makers are similar now so yeah. I try to keep mine a mix between the high quality comics and the normal everyday comics. Some examples would be Ennar and Lavaside Rahi.


How much do you plan ahead for your story arcs?


A lot of my story arcs are planned months ahead. AVID, the one I am currently doing, was planned about a year and a half ago. It wasn't until about 4 months or so that I really started to finalized the details of the plot and such. I find that it takes months for bigger stories and weeks for smaller ones.


Do you prefer making short strips or longer comics?


It really depends on what I'm trying to show in the comic. I find that shorter strips work best for normal works. Where as longer comics work best for more plot driven ones. If I was to pick a favorite though, shorter. Mostly because it takes less time and such.


Have you ever thought of trying out something entirely different? (like an all-new series, or maybe a different kit?)


Sometimes, yes. I've dabbled in and out with different kits before. Xanis for example works really well with serious comics. (Example, Night Owls.) Where as RZMIK works best for comedy styled works. (Example, Blu-Emu.) If I was good at drawing I would try to draw out my works. Series maybe not. Making characters takes a lot of time, and I tend to get very attached to plots and details when thinking up new series.


What do you like best about using sprite kits?


Sprite kits feel more comfortable to me. A lot of them come with poses already made. Even so it doesn't take long to rip them apart and craft new poses out of them. Coloring them is fast if you know how to do so. Posing them is sometimes difficult when it comes to action or drama. The pixels do look a bit.. bleh in some cases. The other downside is that I find myself saving tons of different sheets for all types of kits.


Describe your comics using 5 words.


Story. Comedy. Emotion. Devastation. Hats.


Imagine you could travel back in time and give your younger self (which has just begun making comics) some advice. What would it be?


I'd tell him how to remove the white from sprites and backgrounds. Maybe tell him how to use GIMP so my older works actually looked good. Maybe tell him the difference between some words and others.



If you were a Bionicle character for a day, how would you spend it?


I'd try eating something. Really, I've always wanted to know just how they eat/what it's like for one of them to eat something. Do they taste flavors, or just get a bit of energy?


Are there any plans for your BZPower future?


I'm planning more story arcs that are similar to AVID in size and content. I'm very interested in the idea of multiple universes and different versions of characters in them. Perhaps more character development for some of the main ones. Or perhaps attempting small animated comics. It can be done, I just need to learn how. More hats and Gurkfish, too. Top hats most of all.





Thanks again for the interview! :happydance:


Recommended Comments

Its interesting to learn about how people work out their hobbies or how they started it.

I agree with more Gurkfish. Gurkfish is just epic.


I do love the banner as well. Jester hat win.

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