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Bioni-Lords Dual Gaiden Reveal

Pahrak Model ZX


Technically I revealed it the other day, but meh. Bioni-Lords: Story of the Violet Rose and Bioni-Lords: Story of the Honored Soul take place in the alternate dimensions featured in the cancelled VioletRose/HonoredSoul game, and since the two dimensions are intertwined, the stories will be as well. However, these stories will be short--maybe around ten chapters each--so I want to be sure to put as much in these chapters as I can. Also...is it against the rules for two epics to share a review topic? Because I was just thinking, since they're intertwining...

Currently, I plan on each story having only one protagonist--the 18 year old, mean-hearted Rose and the 15 year old, borderline know-it-all Soul. These two young women will be shown travelling from city to city in their respective universes and defeating the Element-Lords, while also interacting with each other throgh the Olmak Breach, a hole between the dimensions, and dealing with some dark forces. More details will be revealed as I make them up.

But I do have some guest star slots: the Element-Lords. But keep in mind that these Element-Lords will get nowhere near as much screentime as in the Books, and their roster of Spirits will have to be limited to what they use in their battles with the main characters unless I contact you and ask for more. If you want to design an Element-Lord, please respond to this blog post and say which Element-Lord you want--should help everyone to keep track of what Elements are taken. Also, I will allow you to list another Element-Lord you want to design, BUT if someone else wants your second choice as their first choice, you will have to pick a new one. Plus, I call Dragon-Lord.

EDIT: Also, Fire and Ice are reserved

ANOTHER EDIT: You know what, I'll just list the taken and available Elements.


Taken Elements: Fire, Earth, Ice, Air, Water, Light Shadow, Psionics, Rahaga, Steel, Thunder,Dragon


Available Elements: Stone, Jungle


There's been a lot of Pokemon Black and White 2 info this past week...but, I'm going to leave you on your own for that. It's being released in Japan this time next week, so finding info should become pretty easy.


Also, will try to get a Kako chapter typed today. Pokemon Conquest is being released Monday, so...I might be MIA.


Korra thoughts, DEFINITELY contain spoilers:

-Again: Thank God I don't live near any hardcore Makorra fans.

-So I guess bloodbending without a full moon is just a genetic quirk or something...? I doubt we'll ever get a proper explanation.

-Is this really the time for petty relationship squabbles...? Come on, Asami. Priorities.

-Of course Tenzin's the only councilman who escaped. The other three never have anything to contribute!

-Well, there goes the Batmobile. I miss it already.

-Even child airbenders are overpowered! Just goes to show how overpowered the element is. Not that I'm complaining.

-Of course the baby is born at an inconvenient time...

-I believe there are a few scenes in this episode that call for a quote. Ahem...YOU SHALL NOT PASS!

-What...? No...not Lin!! WHY?! *sobbing*

-A new General Iroh? Awesome! And he even has Zuko's voice...! So I'm guessing he's Zuko's son, then? *looks it up* Hm, can't confirm it...

-The season finale is next week...I do love this show, but I gotta say, it moves kinda quickly.


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I call dibs on Shadow Lord!


Sphynex (Sven-ex) Ahkotsku, female, 23 years old, shoulder length blond hair with streaks of sunset red, muted green eyes, semi-tanned skin, and about 5' 3". Is quizzical about everything, usually following a question with a slight tilt of her head. Also has a rather roundabout way of speaking with riddles, quotes and sayings (Do or don't do this as is your want). Like all Ahkotsku's, follows the family motto/rule strictly. Wears a black kimono with Sakura and grey smoke prints, and black slippers/sandals.


Phaenyx's aunt (yes - I have to put in a reference to my character in the Books).


Signature/Last Orb - #1369 Dakrevusko. Add more as is your want.

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Well, these stories take place in separate timelines from the main books. They can have the same surname, but they can't be directly related to anyone in the Books.

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Well since Shadow is taken I'll do Psionics.


Feaia, female, unknown age, wears grey jeans with a pink cloth belt and pink shirt with grey runes, medium grey hair, piercing pink eyes, and six feet three inches tall. Feaia is a mystery, she rarely speaks but is well known for her wisdom and knowledge.


Orbs: #1368 Nightmare Keeper, #485 Suletu, #205 Dweller, #1446. Bronzong, #1449. Support Shinigami.


Signature Orb: Suletu.

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Well, I guess I'll be predictable and take the Water-lord. :P


Strider, male, 16, bluish-gray hair that covers his eyes, red headband, blue shirt, grey vest, grey pants, necklace with a red three-pointed charm (think of the shuriken from Ninjago), 4'7". Combative, excitable, easily distracted, always looking for an excuse to fight. Behaves more like a rookie than an experienced Bioni-Lord.


Orbs: #50 Tarakava, #1386 Jawblade, #457 Bubbling Crab


Signature Orb: Bubbling Crab


EDIT: If you can't tell, I'm intentionally avoiding the "mature adult" type. ^_^

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Oh right we get a second choice... so Fire, Ice, Dragon, Shadow, Psionics and Water are out...


Air Lord!


Tayreal, male, 27, honey brown eyes, dark grey hair that reaches his shoulders, loose black shirt, dark green robe, black trousers, grey boots. Calm and relaxed.


Orbs: #33 Matau Hordika, #103 Toa Iruini, #187 Kongu Inika, #336 Lesovikk. Add or remove Orbs as you see fit.


Figures I'd make a reference to the Diablo franchise. =P

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Time for my second choice.


Avitus, male, 60, long dark hair, hazel eyes, purple pants and T-shirt with a black trench coat, 5'4". Calm but fun loving Avitus is often found perusing antique shops to add to his renowned collection of knick-knacks.


Orbs: #371 Copy Ninja, #494 Exo-Kyuubi, #1175 Eternal Secret Character, #1435 Oblivion Escapist, #1457 Eeveelution


Signature Orb: Exo-Kyuubi

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Wow, these slots are filling up fast. While I like the regular naming scheme, it's interesting to see what my fellow fans are coming up with. Anyway, better hurry and post choice #2: Steel.


Array, female, 25, very short white hair, grey eyes, chainmail shirt, black armor covers much of her body and legs, black boots, 6'2". Speaks in an overly precise way that sounds almost robotic, adheres strictly to her principles.


Orbs: #377. Weapons Specialist, #1440. Voidwielder, #602. Darth Vader, #1377. Frenzied Swordsman, #1365. Untouchable Queen,


Signature Orb: Untouchable Queen


I can't quite tell whether I'm overdoing it on the orbs or not...go ahead and cut/replace whatever you don't like.

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Sovaĝa, female, 30, long jet black hair, fierce brown eyes, wears flowing black robes and grey armor, 6'. Sovaĝa is in a constant struggle to keep herself from giving in to her wild side ever since an encounter with some wild Visorak. Good friends with Feaia.


Orbs: #486 Blind Earthbender, #458 Berserk Wolf, #758 Vorox


Signature Orb: Vorox

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Thank you! I will do my best to show the friendship between Sovaĝa and Feaia, but they can only interact within the Olmak Breach, so I may encounter some difficulty...

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I'll grab Thunder then.


Kyuto, female, 21, short, spiky blond hair, laughing blue eyes, wears a knee length yellow skirt*, a light orange, bare midriff shirt with an open white jacket with yellow lining, ankle high low heeled strapped white boots and is very fit. She has a very bubbly personality, always prone to laughing hard at simple jokes, but is very smart despite her behaviour. Has a 'cute'^ complex. Is quite taken with Tayreal.


Orbs: #487 Electric Mouse #657 Storm Navigator #1201 Pichu Nuva #1204 Pichu Newva


Signature Orb: #657 Storm Navigator


*Not a business type skirt, so you know.

^ The 'cute' complex is sorta like the god-complex, where they believe they themselves are cute (in Kyuto's case, she has a reason to be) and that what they(she) finds cute, everyone else should.


I'd just like to point out I'd originally made the Thunder-Lord male, but on finding Pikachu in the Spirit List I went "Oh ###### with it..." and reversed and made the Thunder-lord a woman.

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She's already looking like the friendliest Thunder-Lord yet! :P Thanks, and I'll do my best with her interactions with Tayreal, although again, it will have to be through the Olmak Breach...

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