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A Few More Quotes

a goose



Stormageddon: *Lies down on table* I'm a sloth.

Vorex: *Pokes* Your arms are floppy. *Picks up Stormy's arms and keeps dropping them against the table*


Stormageddon: No Sim can resist Jon.

Vorex: Sarah can. I've already set her up with Ed.

Stormageddon: Jon is better.

Vorex: Ed is the perfect guy.

Stormageddon: You see, while Ed was made to be perfect, Jon was based on me. And as we all know, I am very narcissistic.



Stormageddon: Ask her out.

Vorex: If I can make it a little longer, I'll have been putting it off for half a decade. I want to be the Master of Procrastination.

Stormageddon: So THAT'S what you put off for five years. But, you're always match-making in The Sims. It's hypocritical not to do so in real life. Even though I'm hypocritical to say so.

Vorex: Why are you hypocritical?

Stormageddon: I won't tell you. Which means that you're probably less hypocritical than me. But just because a hypocrite tells a hypocrite that they're a hypocrite doesn't mean that they aren't a hypocrite.

Vorex: You use funny words.

Stormageddon: Hypocrite.



Vorex: There's a hole there.

Stormageddon: I know.

Vorex: I wonder how deep it is. Maybe someone would drown if they jumped in.

Stormageddon: *Moves towards hole and pretends he is about to jump in*

Vorex: How deep is it?

Stormageddon: It's one step deep.

Vorex: Oh, I thought it was like steps leading underground. With dead people in the walls. And they would go all Haunted Mansion on us.



Vorex: I made a blog entry about how you thought I'd make a good stalker.

Stormageddon: You and another person I know would both make great stalkers.

Vorex: Who is this person?

Stormageddon: You're never going to meet her.

Vorex: I can stalk her.

Stormageddon: So you're going to stalk a stalker?

Vorex: Maybe.

Vorex: Sumiki's name makes me think of lemons.

Stormageddon: Okay.

Vorex: What does it make you think of?

Stormageddon: Naruto.

Vorex: It's over 9000.

Stormageddon: Give me your 3DS.

Vorex: Why?

Stormageddon: I want to make a Mii of a Super-Saiyan.

Stormageddon: *Slides up weight bar on Mii* IT'S OVER 9000!


- Vorex


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The only thing I gained from this is that you have yet to ask out some girl. And you've been waiting for five years.

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The only thing I gained from this is that you have yet to ask out some girl. And you've been waiting for five years.

Dear god, not you too.

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