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Spring: A Time Of Change



I know what you're all thinking. I've gone and lost my mind, right? Not at all. I had noticed a dip in the excitement level over at the Haven, and despite my best efforts to spruce the place up the customer base just never came back.


Maybe it was the massive Digimon battling it out in the streets outside the club, or maybe it was just the lack of anything interesting in the entires. Or...who knows...maybe this entire world is a figment of my imagination and I'm just talking to a bunch of ghosts that exist only in my head.


Whatever the case, I've grown weary of the nightclub business. So I've left the Haven in the hands of the Blue-Vice and broken off to find my calling. Since the whole "swinging hipster" thing didn't work out, I've decided to try and get in touch with my sensitive side and give gardening a go!


Now, looking over at the sidebar you may notice a fresh set of faces. Well, that's just my new crew in this endevor: The Vice-Sisters...and uh...Kenta. Together we're going to bring a new error of peace and beauty to both the Blogosphere and the Forums.


Of course, this means there's no place for a towering dinosaur with the destructive capabilities of a seven-nation army. So ViceGreymon and I have parted ways. I'm sure he'll do just fine with the rest of the Blue-Vice. Who knows, the change of ownership could breathe new life into it! In the meantime, I've hired on RhodoKnightmon to serve as Guardian of our Garden (I was going to spell it "Gardian" but it looked more spelled wrong than punny).


So everybody, keep on smiling and enjoy the beautiful weather. April's coming, and that means this Garden's going to be blooming!


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Love it, just love it. I hope you get a great green thumb with your gardening, and the chicks to the right make me want to keep coming back to visit this place!






Oh, I think I watched some of the series of the "Bionicle" banner girl. Most likely in the summer when school was over and it was during breakfast. Anyway, I've actually seen some Digimon.

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Oh, I think I watched some of the series of the "Bionicle" banner girl. Most likely in the summer when school was over and it was during breakfast. Anyway, I've actually seen some Digimon.

That would be Izumi/Zoe of Digimon Frontier/Season 4. The repeats are still airing along with the other three seasons on Toon Disney. I miss the heck outta that show. There are rumors of Season 5 (Savers) coming to US shores.


For those who may not follow anime as closely:


General: Yoshino & Rosemon (Savers/Season 5)

Bionicle: Izumi & JetSilphymon (Frontier/Season 4)

Inuva: Suzie & Cherubimon (Tamers/Season 3)

Blogs: Kari & Magnadramon (Adventure & 02/Seasons 1 & 2)

Homepage: Kenta & MarineAngemon (Tamers)

MOCs/Fics: Nanami & BioLotusmon (Savers)

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Dude, those pics are pink! :lol: But we get the drift.


Men can pull off pink and not look sissy, contrary to the urban belief. It was high time someone made sense of it.


That, and we love spring.



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That would be Izumi/Zoe of Digimon Frontier/Season 4. The repeats are still airing along with the other three seasons on Toon Disney. I miss the heck outta that show. There are rumors of Season 5 (Savers) coming to US shores.


For those who may not follow anime as closely:


General: Yoshino & Rosemon (Savers/Season 5)

Bionicle: Izumi & JetSilphymon (Frontier/Season 4)

Inuva: Suzie & Cherubimon (Tamers/Season 3)

Blogs: Kari & Magnadramon (Adventure & 02/Seasons 1 & 2)

Homepage: Kenta & MarineAngemon (Tamers)

MOCs/Fics: Nanami & BioLotusmon (Savers)


Great idea changing it to a garden blog! I'm sure a nice, calm enviroment will really help with popularity. I mean, who wouldn't like a blog themed as a flower garden and lots of pink?


Also, I've seen all the seasons of Digimon, with the exception of the Savers episodes yet to be fan-subbed, and it is no longer a rumor Savers will be dubbed in English, as evidenced by Toei Animation's English page. The series will be called "Digimon: Data Squad," which will make a lot more sense than "Digimon Savers" to the American audience, IMO. Hmm. Tohma=Thomas. Creative change.


~ :h: :t:

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I mean, who wouldn't like a blog themed as a flower garden and lots of pink?

See, that's what I was thinking! I mean, we get enough of the action and excitement from Bionicle that it never hurts to just sit back and relax with a glass of lemonade and the fresh smell of flowers.


as evidenced by Toei Animation's English page. The series will be called "Digimon: Data Squad,"

I've been following the Season 5 news. And so far there isn't any actual word on who's licensed it. The Toei site is simply them showing off the product so that a licenser will put thought into it.

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I've been following the Season 5 news. And so far there isn't any actual word on who's licensed it. The Toei site is simply them showing off the product so that a licenser will put thought into it.

Oh, really? I thought it all had been decided. >_<


~ :h: :t:

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"Mo-om, Torhu turned into a girl again!"

I wish I could find that thread again! That was hilarious. I was still getting PMs about it later that week.

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