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How Not To Ask A Question



I received this over the weekend from a BZP member who will remain nameless (bold was my addition):


Okay Greg,

it's time to step up out of the shadows and explain the karazani set. Who are the matoran? Sarda? Idris? Gar? Is this set a store exclusive? What is the strange contraption thing? And here is the deal. You have been holding off long enough. You have to answer these questions and step up. If you didn't want these questions to appear, then why did you put that image out? Its time you got some explanations out to BZPower. Reply A.S.A.P.


There are so many things wrong with this, I hardly know where to start. First off, the poster obviously did not read the BZP article, which stated clearly that the image came from a Toys R Us brochure found at BrickFest. I did not release the image -- in fact, in four years on BZP, I have never released a set image to the site. That's not my job. BZP finds them on their own because they have a crack staff of journalists.


Second, there's this whole "have to" thing and the implied sense of entitlement. BZP members are entitled to ask just about anything they want to -- if they ask something that's out of line, I tell them. They are not, however, entitled to answers -- some things I won't talk about, some things I can't. Why? Because giving away everything about an entire year in the first quarter is dumb ... because my bosses don't want me to do that ... and because I am not on here to ruin surprises. There are some fans who just want to know everything in January, and then they wind up bored all year long waiting for the next January.


Third, I am on here for fun. I respect the site, the people who run it, and the members. I get something out of the interaction, hopefully so do BZPers. But I don't have to be here -- it's not part of my job -- I want to be here. And I don't have to answer questions if they are phrased rudely.


Finally, the amusing thing about this issue is that the things he was asking about are not things I was keeping secret. I have told multiple members for months that Sarda and Idris were coming out in a store exclusive set with a third, mystery figure. The only thing I held back was who that figure was, now that's out, and that's cool. This member never asked me about this set before and got refused, so acting like I somehow was holding out on him all this time is just silly.


I PM'd him back and explained the situation, and that this info was all already out on BZP. The PM I got back was just a repeat of his request for the info. This is a rare case where I am not going to respond. There are tons of BZPers who send me questions every day -- and I love it -- and ask them as fans and as friends in a polite way. So they are going to get enormous amounts of priority over people who are rude about their requests.




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In fairness, Beliwa, I do owe you guys something -- I owe you respect, because 99.9% of you have earned it. I owe you the best answers I can give, and I owe you acknowledgment if I screw an answer up because something changed or I misread a question. If you guys take the time out of your day to come here and PM me, I feel I should take some time out of my day to respond to you.



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There are tons of BZPers who send me questions every day -- and I love it -- and ask them as fans and as friends in a polite way. So they are going to get enormous amounts of priority over people who are rude about their requests.


Thank you GregF for being here.


And we owe you respect too. And not just because we appreciate any answered PM, but you are most likely older than us. And any PMs should be respectful, because who wants to talk to a rude person?


Thank you for all your hard work, and I hope you didn't really get this PM. :D



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Oh man...when I read the first lines of the entry, I was a little worried that it was me because I pmed Greg over the weekend.


Man that was close :P


Seriously though, how many comic book writers or book writers come to message boards as frequently as Greg does?

And how many of them let us get our own little say/part in the storyline, like with choosing the new chronicler.

I can't think of very many.


That's why we should be thanking you. :)

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That was rude. If that member would have taken the time to look through the OGD, then he/she would have found all of the answers within the last few posts. The whole "You have been holding off long enough" thing was unnecessary and untrue.

Go Greg! :P


(BTW, it is April Fools Day, so I must ask for my own safety and to not be pranked- is this a prank? I trust ya and all but still. . .)



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I think it's very nice of you to spend all this time answering questions, giving us plot details and listening to us, and being so polite about it. The plot details and such that you share with BZP are a really generous gift. We should remember how lucky we are that you're here, and that you answer our PMs and questions.
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Greg, what you do here is greatly appreciated! All the questions you answer, plus the little surprises we get every now and then, is great, and I know a lot of us would be upset if you got chased away by rude members. Great points, Greg.

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Nope, not a prank. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that I know tomorrow is April 2nd because baseball season starts, I wouldn't have remembered it was April 1st today.



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Seriously though, how many comic book writers or book writers come to message boards as frequently as Greg does?

Actually, Walden Wong has his own website/forum



Nope, not a prank. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that I know tomorrow is April 2nd because baseball season starts, I wouldn't have remembered it was April 1st today.




Right, sure



And you would have rememberd, seeing as what BZP does on this day.



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I don't pay a ton of attention to the news items, CF, unless they have to do with set revelations, etc. BBC contests and all that I don't pay any attention to, they don't involve me, and I have really never paid much attention to BZP's April Fools' Day things in the past -- I have heard them mentioned, but have not bothered to find out what they were. Not interested.



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Greg, You bless us with your presence here on bzp. Never have I been on a forum where the writer of the very books we all love to read actively joins in, and talks to us like equals. Questions like the above stated are uncalled for, as you mentioned, you are not responsible for set revealments.


The secrets of sets are held by the LEGO COMPANY, not by Greg, so kids, be nice to him if you want him to stick around!


Thanks Greg, for all the hard work and dedication you give to Bionicle and BZP!

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That person was rude.

Thank you so much Greg for being on BZP. It's a joy when PMing you and when you reply so quickly, and treat us all as if we have known each other for years. (some people have known you for years on here, but i meant as in, physiclly. did i spell that right? lol.)

i was hoping that this was a prank because i would be offended by that PM.

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I totaly agree Greg (probably because people take advantage of me at school because I'm good in science, and each day I have someone say "Tell me the answer to this"). People shouldn't take you for granted. It's a privilage to have you here, and we should respect that.

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That cool dude... >:(

Greg, I feel sorry for you for getting that PM. That person was very rude, and I have one thing to say to him...

Go away, If you can only say rude things then don't say anything at all.

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That cool dude... >:(

Greg, I feel sorry for you for getting that PM. That person was very rude, and I have one thing to say to him...

Go away, If you can only say rude things then don't say anything at all.


I agree THC, Greg gives us all this info :D , and then gets shouted at for no fault of his own :???: , and to which he has already given :wacko: , so I do't see any reason why Greg should even bother to answer that person. However, Greg is such a nice guy that he did answer, and still got the same response, the nerve of that person :angry: , so yes I agree with THC and that old saying: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.


On a lighter note, I would just like to say thanks to Greg for all that he has done for BZPower :tohu: , and that this is actually my first comment on the site! (due to some complications which I won't go into, but I will tell you that Black Six helped to sort it out, thanks Black Six! :happydance: ) And I am very proud to have posted it on a subject to do with Greg :bowdown: .

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gosh, when i PM him asking about things i try to say it in the kindest manner possible, i mean its an honor to even be able to talk to him!

i've only gotten one PM that wasn't nice but that person said sorry alot.

i never even thought you liked getting tons a' PMs.




piraka slayer

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I applaud you for your civility, Mr.F. Had I been in your situation, I'd have told the guy to shut his yap and not complain, and that would've been the end of it.


Especially with all you've given and done for us on BZP.

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Hmph... now that's not very nice at all.

Well you know what Greg? I enjoy PMing you, but when I think of a question, i forget it :P.

Thanks for being here and making the members more... understanding. :)

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First i'd like to say that I am honored that GregF takes the time to look at our questions.

Secondly I'd like to see the face of the person who wrote the message when he/she reads this.

And lastly I think that calling someone a cool guy (I didn't type the "I" word it did not get affected by the word censor) is becoming an insult.

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No way should Greg have to put up with such rudeness.he is kind enough to answer these questions for us.he is so down to earth and cool

thanks Greg :D

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I agree. We should be happy with the fact he even answers any of our questions, no matter how stupid, and that he finds time in his day to come here and talk. Not many book writers/comic writers do that.

Thanks Greg :D

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Now that WAS rude and in considerate, but all this flaming at the member has irked me. No, the member was not, me, but still, just one mistake does not constitute ranting at the member, to "go away" and such. One mistake does certainly not make you a bad person. :psychotwitch:


Greg was right to post this, but he left out the members name for a reason, to prevent ranting...

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Grg, I just want to say that I (probably) speak for the BZP members who didn't post here already when I say that I'm grateful for your presence on BZPower. Over the past years, you've given us spoilers and enjoyment. Thank you.


And now, on the topic of the PM: wow. That's just plain ol' rude.

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every one should aprecate what you do,greg-you are the one that makes bionicle bionicle!after all.

he must realy be stuborn(the guy who PMed you).........................


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