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Meet Jonathan Twoblade [Art]

Taka Nuvia


Perhaps you could draw your character in this RPG you play?


- :burnmad:

When I read that quote, the perfect image came to my mind. And I just had to draw it




'cause, you know, that's totally what he would be like. Most of his income is from pick-pocketing and selling that stuff afterwards. (which sadly is the only way to get to a good amount of money in that game, anyway).


But somehow he's rather cute. xD


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Playing as a thief is pretty fun. Can you pick the locks on people's doors and steal things from their houses in that game?


I, for one, have trouble giving my characters personalities in video games. I can only give them personalities in TBRPGs.


- :burnmad:

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Playing as a thief is pretty fun. Can you pick the locks on people's doors and steal things from their houses in that game?


I, for one, have trouble giving my characters personalities in video games. I can only give them personalities in TBRPGs.


- :burnmad:

No, in that game it's impossible to break into houses. But there are treasure chests where you can find stuff; if you're able to unlock them. It's a bit unrealistic when it comes to that...

And he's more the "Thief-gone.hero" type; weaker than a pure fighter, but able to steal stuff. although I've learned my lesson about re-skilling characters; it's a bad idea and I should rather choose the archetype more carefully next time xD


I actually find giving them personalities much easier than the actual game :lol: Also, it's a good way to pass the time while you're running from A to B and nothing really happens ^^

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Dat helmet.


The drawing looks quite nice. His expression is spot on and I can just imagine his voice while saying that. He probably is trying to go for a deep, hero voice when saying that. I'm not sure if the shoulder armor is suppose to be similar or not, but if it isn't then thats awesome. If it was then well its still awesome. Chainmale looks a little rushed though, but I can totally understand that. I tried to make a chainmale once, I think I gave up halfway through. Too much chain. Oh, also the helmet is heroic looking.



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Dat helmet.


The drawing looks quite nice. His expression is spot on and I can just imagine his voice while saying that. He probably is trying to go for a deep, hero voice when saying that. I'm not sure if the shoulder armor is suppose to be similar or not, but if it isn't then thats awesome. If it was then well its still awesome. Chainmale looks a little rushed though, but I can totally understand that. I tried to make a chainmale once, I think I gave up halfway through. Too much chain. Oh, also the helmet is heroic looking.



I know. when I first saw the helemt I just had to buy it, regardless of how pricey it was xD


Well the shoulder armour was supposed to be symmetric; that was probably just a drawing mistake of mine ^^' Sorry.

and yes, the chainmail was certainly rushed. But hey, it's a doodle, soo :rolleyes:


but I'm glad you like it. ^^


This made my day XD


Love the crossed eyes as well, this makes him a lovable stupid character.


...I'm pretty sure his eyes are closed. =P


- :burnmad:


Burnmad, you're right. They are supposed to be closed xD

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I'm used to some drawings(Official art from games, too), where only the top, bottom, and one side of the eye is drawn, with the actual eyeball not really detailed THAT much, with a white space. I see what you were going for, but I also can tell what was causing me to think that; it was the eyebrow, and the slight white spot above the part that I guess represents the curve of the eye lid.


That said, it's an excellent drawing, regardless of what way the eyes are supposed to be; and even the eyes look good, no matter which way they appear to be. =)


That, and I'm kinda known to see things that aren't really that way. >>'

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