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Zomg! Zoooommmmgggg!

Roa McToa


Brickfest was the biggest, most AWESOMEST thing EVER! Click Here to See My Pictures!


My display was a HUGE hit, not only to the public, but tio all the Adult Lego fans that were attending the convention as well! They had all taken the time to approach me and tell me how awesome my bionicle display was, and that my creations had a very organic feel to them. Something they say they have never seen in a "Pure Bionicle" creation. They were suprised at the complexity of mocs on my table, and were dually impressed by the techniques that I used to build my giant rahi. I even got many comments on color coordination. They said that the colors were very pleasing to the eye.


I got proppz from all kinds of folks, from train and town, to technic and mindstorms, and even the lego higher ups, a legoland CA master builder, and the head man on the MMO lego game. In all sense, they want to see more! Pakuudo brought a lot of love to the table, and constant demonstrations of how Kukorahk worked Wowed the audience. They love his functionality.


I also got to experience the MOST INTENSE lego purchasing session ever too! There was a great sale on bashed up scratched up lego and bionicle sets at the local lego outlet store, and it was like a massive free for all. I was able to get Axonn Brutaka and Vezon and Ferakk all for half price, including the Race for the Mask of Life playset!. KIE bought a pridak for half price for me too, how nice of him to help me out, not to mention that it was he who grabbed the race playset for me off the mound of damaged boxes. Thanks KIE, I owe you a big one Buddy!!!! :) The store was crammed shoulder to shoulder with lego fanatics trying for the best deals on pick a brick, and the scratch and dent pile. It was a blast indeed!


I got to meet many bzp members, and was very happy to answer their questions about my creations. It is my goal to inspire kids and adults alike to be better builders. I am happy to share building techniques with others, and expand their minds.


The fact that these are all animation models also captured the attention of the AFOL's, and the public alike. News of my movie started to spread like wildfire around the convention, and I soon had people coming up to me, asking about the story, and also with general questions about the movie. I revealed some new information, and will update the movie thread shortly with new story information!


Another rather extremely exciting bit of news I recieved, is that I have been invited to attend Northwest BrickCon, held in Seattle in October. I am to represent Bionicle there, giving a couple big speeches on Bionicle, and what I like about it, as well as the building techniques that I have learned in my time as a builder. I am getting the attention of the higher ups in the lego community, and may be inadvertently stepping into a whole new world of "lego abassadordom". The possibilities are endless, and I truly hope that Bionicle takes me somewhere in the future! Cheers for Bionicle, and the amazing building system that it is!


I am going to make some new giant rahi animations soon, so stay tuned on the movie thread!


The name the Reikia contest is coming up soon too, so keep your eyes open on my blog! :)


As for now, Roa McToa out...... because I am totally beat after 4 days on nonstop LEGO!!! WAHOOOOOO


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Well, I, for one, was impressed by your massive collection of MOCs. I really liked your Matoran. :)





Your matoran are the Epitome of a flexible McToran style, and I had a blast playing with them in Toaraga's Bionihouse. I am really happy that you sent them along, as they were very "fresh and new" little creations, even if they have been assembled for a while. I said AWWWWWWWWWW when I opened up their box!


I am glad you like my creations! I hope that my display for NW brick con is as good, or better! I really had a great time at Brickfest, and was so glad that I got to meet so many cool people, and many BZP members too!


T'was nice to finally put a face to the username! Make some more of your matoran, cause they Own! :)

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Glad you had a nice time, Roa. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of giant MOCs, but you've certainly got a unique style, and you use pieces in ways I'd never dream of.


And, since you use your models for animation, which makes you doubly cool, I've got a tip for strengthening joints, which I use all the time. Do you know the small, thin rubber tubing that Lego used to use? Like the brown tubes in their Technic Destroyer Droid? I've cut lots of little sections out, and put them inside the socket joint. It makes the joint a lot stronger, and it's hardly noticeable. Just a thought. :)



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Sounds like you had a blast. (I've been to BrickFest myself and it was totally fun in August)


But what's even better is that Lego and a lot of AFOLs have noticed your MOCs (most likely because you had such a large quantity, as well as skill) and that you will be getting a lot of attention soon. NWBC should be great, as it's another Lego con! Hopefully this will lead to something great.



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No worries, as pics ARE coming! I am on a quest for Nocturn today, so I may post my brickfest pics later after I gleefully find him!


The most exciting part about the whole brickfest thing, is that I changed the views of so many AFOL's on Bionicle. The NWBC organizers sought me out at the after party party, esentially to do whatever they can to get me to brick con. I can't wait to put together speeches and demonstrations!


I plan on having an all new Kukorahk for the Con, as well as bringing the original functional one for demonstrations of technic function in bionicle.


I will have my movie trailer ready as well, and hope to have it released by this summer!

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So wait, you'll be going to NWBrickCon?




That's one of my goal is to go this year... I'm pretty much going to save up for it. As I figure it, I couldn't use public transportation to get me to Portland, but I can use the ever-famous Sounder up to Seattle, then ride the Metro, then take Sounder back down. Either that or spend the night at my brother's or cousin's place and go back the next day.


I hope to finally meet ya. -Swert

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Wow, you are getting the attention you deserve. It sounds like alot of fun, I wish I could have been there. I can't wait to see pics!


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You ahve no excuse to miss Brick con Makaru cause you are close! :) If you attend, build up some new mocs to bring along! :) I'll be in contact with Wayne after the 10th about what they all want me to do at brick con. I am still so shocked that they purposefully came looking for me to do whatever it takes to get me to brickcon with my moc display.


Ya, I never did get that free red lion hotel pen back.... Oh well. ;)


I got KIE's Nuparu Lanyard, and all the squiddies that invaded the castle area..... Oh, and that Louisiana cajun spicy stuff is the BOMB!


Thanks KIE, wherever you are!...

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No, we're talking about the BIONICLE pen you got at the Dirty Brickster. The one you hadn't realized was missing until just now. ;)


And I'd hate to have hooked you on something with no means for resupply, so I'll call your attention to the back side of the canister: there's an address in Opelousas and a website for you to peruse.



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ZOMG My Pen YEAAARGHHHHHH! I want that back! Man it was a mad rush getting out of there, how could I have missed it WAAAAHHHHHH



Omi... Pleeeasasseeee send it to me!


And KIE, Thanks for the back of the can info! We used it in some lasagna, and OOOO mama! It was Yummy!

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I recount. Omi doesn't have it. I do. Apparently I did bring it with me. I'll ship it post haste. IM me with your addy.
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