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Brainstorming a Birthday Gift for a Friend...

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Today's entry is going to be a bit different from norm since I am mainly using this entry to help me brainstorm possibly gift ideas for my real life friend's birthday next month (He turns 21 on August 20th). And well, while I do have some ideas on what to get him, I would not mind getting some advice from you guys on whether or not you think it would be good birthday gift.


But well, you guys don't really know him that well, so I guess I will have to give all some background information in addition to my gift ideas. So here is some background information on him and my possible gift ideas:

- He is a Kingdom Hearts fan (Mostly because I loan him our PS2, so he could play first two games. And at this point, it is only thing that I was successful in making him a fan of.). Note: I actually was thinking of getting him Mark of Mastery edition. But judging from our conversation two days ago, he say he was pre-ordering it. So unless that does not pan out for him, it would probably not be a good idea. I could maybe get him Re:coded though since I know he does not have that game. Then again, it is not title that you necessarily needed to play considering only important detail of that game will probably be a point stated in the beginning of Dream Drop Distance. Yup, he preordered it.

- He is a Nintendo fan like myself. Some of game series that I know he likes are: The Legend of Zelda, Mario & Luigi RPGs, Paper Mario, Kirby, Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros, and Metroid. I have been thinking about buying him Kid Icarus: Uprising since he did tell me that he had some interest in checking the game out. Alright, I am getting him Kid Icarus: Uprising!

- He also like Avatar: The Last Airbender (He has yet to watch the Legend of Korra though, which I hopefully will fix in the future. Right now, I can't since there is no DVD of this season out currently.). I have been thinking of buying him all three seasons of original series since I know that the only way that he has been able to watch them lately is through Netflix.

- Hm...I am pretty sure he does not have Steam, so we can crossed off PC games from the list. That and even if I were to convince him to try Steam out, I think his laptop might not be powerful enough to run most games there. *shrugs* I don't know the specs of his laptop. He has express an interest in playing Portal 2 though, so I could get him a copy for his PS3.

- He is a Sonic fan. I am not entirely sure what to get him for this one if I went this route since I know very little of speedy hedgehog. As such, I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have.


So yeah, those are my gift ideas that I have currently on my mind. Hm...I might update this list later as I am sure I'll think of more things to list here. Plus, I am not sure if I gave enough details here about him above.


Basically though, he is the good friend that I mention here a lot. He is the guy that I got a job for at my work and one that say he would not mind going to BrickFair with me (Which considering his car issues lately, I am not going to press the matter about BrickFair too much as personally it makes me feel like I am using him rather than actually wanting to hang out with him there.).


Alright, that's all for now, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you can maybe help me out a little with this. I'll see you all later, I guess.




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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@Janus: Hm...I am pretty sure he has that game as I recall him playing it during a voice chat, we were having over YiM, while I was playing Skyward Sword. I know for a fact that he did like that game though, so you are right about that.


@JiMing: Yeah, I am rather inclined to do since I think he should totally play that game. *shrugs*


As for Sonic Colors, I think he might have it already and I might be recalling it incorrectly, but I pretty sure he did not like that title too much.


@Nukaya: lol Well, food is always a good option. No idea what the glue is for though.




Thanks for taking the time to comment, folks.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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Kid Icarus: Uprising would probably be an easy bet.


All three seasons of A:TLA would be awesome, but since he can watch them on Netflix they may not be needed (since the bonus features aren't that good). Also, all three box sets would be majorly expensive unless you got them used, and I think it'd be nicer to get him a new game than a used DVD set.

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I still say you should get Kid Icarus Uprising.


But if that's too expensive, perhaps Sonic Colors for the DS, or Sonic Generations for the 3DS?

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@Lyichir: As I said above, I am inclined to choose this one. The only reason that I hadn't is because there is slight possibility he might get it himself before his birthday has arrived.


Now you could argue that I could just tell him that I am getting Kid Icarus for him. The problem with that idea is I know my friend, Steven, is probably going to try and talk me out of doing it, if I told him. So that's why I have those choices as sort of like back up plans in case he does by chance make decision to buy the game before I can give him a copy on his birthday.


Hm....I guess you have a point about A:TLA. Although I am fine with spending a good amount on this friend since he stuck with me for so long. He's closest friend that I had in past eight or so years.


@JiMing: See comment above.


Hm...I think he has those two on console. *shrugs*



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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