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It’s a test, designed to provoke an emotional response. Shall we continue?



1. It’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet. How do you react?

2. You’ve got a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection plus the killing jar. What do you do?

3. You’re watching television. Suddenly you realize there’s a wasp crawling on your arm.

4. You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, Tony, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back, Tony. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?

5. Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about your mother.

[questions six through eight omitted for BZP]

9. Last question. You're watching an old movie. It shows a banquet in progress, the guests are enjoying raw oysters. The entree consists of boiled dog stuffed with rice. The raw oysters are less acceptable to you than a dish of boiled dog.


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1) Ask for the beef.

2) Help the kid contribute his collection to a nearby museum's butterfly exhibit.


4) Why would I bother flipping it I mean that's a waste of effort.

5) loving. Awesome. Too tired to think of more.

Upside down 6) Honestly neither is a very good source I meat.

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1. Thank them, although adding some sort of passive agressive comment about it.

2. Try to show him something like a prison in a state that has the death penalty, or some other suitable analogy.

3. Flail limbs in terror and swear.

4. Because humans can be incredibly sadistic monsters.

5. Loving intelligent patient wise. Among others.

9. Guess I got barked at too often as a kid?



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1. I throw the wallet at their face and collect the rupees they drop and stuff them into the wallet.

2. Smash the jar over his head in panic because I sure don't have a little boy so I don't know who this impersonator is or what his motives are, but he's got a "killing jar" so I don't trust the little putz.

3. Spray him with bleach until he dies and then go wash my arm off.

4. Because I was suddenly paralyzed by a spaceship landing on me.

5. She, Makes, Me, Dinner

9. I quit watching this lame movie and go fix a dog sandwich cuz now I'm starving. Dumb movie.

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4) Because I'm a spy and the villain has painted the secret codes on the turtle's belly. And my camera is malfunctioning in the heat so I can't just take a picture.

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1. Say thanks. Calfskin is pretty cool.


2. Ask him how he got into this hobby and why he likes it. See if you can help kill butterflies.




4. Because I always wanted fried Tortoise. Besides, how do we know I'm not stuck in the desert? Survival first.


5. Tough, Right, Loving, Wise


6. I would eat dog. It's just meat. Oysters are nasty, though.

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1. I say thanks and, if I'm feeling particularly daring, ask how many calves go into the making of one calfskin wallet. Awkward laughter or silence ensues.


2. I give him a lecture on why butterflies harm no one and thus don't deserve to be killed.


3. I stay very still, trying not to freak out, and move my hand slowly into position for swiping the wasp off. Once I do swipe it off, I run for the front door and open it, hoping the wasp will exit that way.


4. Well, first, I'm not Tony. Second... because I'm stranded in the desert and need the food, maybe. If I am stranded in the desert, there's a third option: I need the shell to carry things.


5. Kind, caring, smart, funny.


9. I don't like the sound of either, though at least boiled dog would look like meat. Maybe. I've never had either dish before.

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1. Thank him, although I already have a wallet.

2. Encourage him to pursue his hobby and learn more about entomology. (BTW, do you mean that he's my son?)

3. You're supposed to hold still until it gets bored and leaves, right? Better than risking agitating it and getting stung more.

4. I'm a robot. (But I thought that test involved just finding Tony and asking whether we should help...)

5. Loving, compassionate, intelligent, helpful. Others.

9. Why should I care about other people (years ago) eating meat (that may even be fake)? I don't hate my friend's family for eating meat from a live goat in China, and that's more immediate than a movie.

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1. Tell him I already have a wallet that has a lot of sentimental value.


2. Tell him that this butterfly-murder definitely came from his mom's side of the family.


3. Scream for someone to get this winged demon OFF OF ME DX


4. Because I want tortoise soup, and I dislike the name Tony.


5. Caring, patient, kind.


6. Because oysters are disgusting, and the dog was overly aggressive. It had it coming.


- :burnmad:

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1. Tell him I don't support the killing of innocent baby animals.

2. Lecture him about how he should feel ashamed of himself for killing so many creatures.

3. Don't move a muscle until it flies away, then turn on the air conditioning so it stays still, then use a broom and pan to sweep it outside.

4. Because I died from the heat already.

5. Caring, loving, kind, smart.

9. I would ask how the heck I ended up watching this movie, and go off to play video games instead.

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Well, Pit. You may be the only one to have come close to passing so far.



But what question did I fail?

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Wait, so we're supposed to care for dogs, tortoises and bugs?


That is just wrong.

SOMEONE doesn't care about animal rights.

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Animals have rights?


When did this happen?




Uh, for like, ever.


We humans have just been ignoring them for centuries.

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I'm sure I can ignore them for another 100,000 years.


It's just an animal.


Don't mistake me however. I hate animal abuse.


But I rather kill an animal to save a life. Let a dog drown to save a human.


It's just an animal.

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1. I thank them for it and think silently to myself, "Good grief! Another wallet? What am I gonna do with all these!?"


2. Poor butterflies. =(


3. Well if it's just crawling along calmly I'll probably just slowly make my way to a door or window and let it out. If it starts flying around, I'll probably capture it with a cup/paper, but if it becomes too problematic I'll just swat the little bugger.


4. Uh, first, why is it named Tony? Second, assuming I'm not wandering through the desert because I'm utterly lost and dying, I'll probably just observe the critter. Animals fascinate me. I wouldn't have flipped it over in the first place.


5. This transcends words.


9. ....wat?


Takuma Nuva

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Grochi, when the time comes, you better be real careful. You've just failed the Voigt-Kampff as hard as is possible, if I'm not mistaken.

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You are aware that no one has been taking this seriously, right?


(Also you can't fail the Voigt-Kampff on the Internet because it requires the machine of the same name. :P)

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You are aware that no one has been taking this seriously, right?


(Also you can't fail the Voigt-Kampff on the Internet because it requires the machine of the same name. :P)

Hey, I answered it seriously!

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<span style='color: #4b0082'><strong class='bbc'>Grochi, when the time comes, you better be real careful. You've just failed the Voigt-Kampff as hard as is possible, if I'm not mistaken.</strong></span>


So? I have no feelings towards an animal. Humans are a different story.



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1. kthx

2. Why do you collect butterflies?

3. Smack it!

4. I can't answer because I'd never do this to any turtle, nevertheless Tony. :<

5. Nice or something.

9. Billy Bob

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1. Say thanks. Animal skin is cool.

2. Congratulate him on his collection.

3. Kill it.

4. Because it would make a good meal if it were to cook there long enough.

5. Loving, kind, caring, etc...

9. I ask myself why I am watching the movie in the first place, then walk away.

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